70. Being Courteous

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It was December; they finished a very successful reunion tour with Fleetwood Mac called The Dance. It had been a very strenuous year, putting this album and tour together in just a year, but it was definitely unforgettable because it was the first time Stevie and Lindsey could be themselves to the public; kiss, hug, cry---all while singing to each other and for their fans. It was the first time they got to be themselves to the world.

When they had filmed this reunion tour for a DVD, it took three days and in those three days---the kids were there to watch them work and cheer them on and Kristen even managed to be there. While this went on, Stevie was sick, but she pushed through because she wanted it done and the tour to just begin---but they did let her recoup so she would be fresh for the tour. She was willing to start sick, but Lindsey demanded that she get well first and she obeyed while Mick was okay with it.

Currently; Will was attending college while Leelee was in her senior year of high school, getting ready to graduate and Stella was in her freshman year of high school---preparing to be left by her big sister.

In preparation of getting home, Stevie and Lindsey did go shoppping and they brought special gifts for the kids only because she could actually go around town with her husband and make him shop with her without feeling guilty or being secretive.

Before they had even decided to tour; they did do more with their kids in public and they tried to have dates alone, but it was hard because they were still Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham of Fleetwood Mac and it made things mildly difficult because they were extra nice when it came to fans and they tried not to say no when somebody wanted a photo with them. On tour, it was one thing---they were out and about. But at home---it was their family, down time and they didn't get a whole lot of that, especially with their son so busy at school while Leelee was trying to graduate.

"So, my love... Coming home for the first time at this home," she mentioned. "How does it feel?"

"Like home," he smirked. "Babe, it's been four years..."

"Ah, well it's still kind of new to me. Plus I was working on Street Angel for a long time so then I was away and then we working again, this year... It's new to me," she assured.

He chuckled as he pulled his house keys out to unlock the door and allow her in first. "Are the kids even here?" he asked.

"Um, maybe they're coming in the morning... I know Will was still with his grandparents when he called me this morning and Lee and Stella were with my brother," she pursed her lips.

"So, you're saying we have the house to ourselves?" he rose a brow, tossing his keys to the side.

"So you're suggesting?" she rose a brow, hands meeting her hips as a sly grin marked her lips.

"Most definitely," he came forward to lock lips with her. With one arm wrapping around her waist, he gave her hip a gentle squeeze with the other hand.

"Y'know, ya had me for three months and we did this a lot... Are you not through?" she smirked.

"Well, think about it... The kids come back and it'll be a minute till we," he kind of gestured.

"You have a very good point, my friend---" she took a shoe off and tossed it to him, immediately falling into the couch for his undivided attention as she pulled her blouse off.

He smirked and he came forward, attacking her neck with kisses as he laid her down to get her panties off.

The simple tug of her panties made her sink her teeth into her bottom lip out of anticipation and wonder.

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