51. Facing Consequences

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Another week had rolled by and this time, out on the road, she had her new assistant by her side while she and the girls just got out and did what they did best; party.

Karen was mostly attending lunches between Stevie and her girls, she was at rehearsal with the band and she was at the concerts---that was how her boss was teaching her. But then it would be a small repeat when they went to Will's birthday, which was within another couple weeks.

The night Stevie left; late the night of Leelee's birthday, after she had tucked her kids in---there was a feeling within her. She desired to be home more than anything and for the first time she really couldn't wait for the tour to be over, but she was also dreading its end because she knew the sooner the time would come to record with Fleetwood Mac. And that was something she really didn't want to do, but she planned to be there for them as she always had been.

"So, what is on the agenda?" Karen asked her boss, wanting to get a grasp onto what she valued and marvelled.

"Well, today, the girls and I are gonna take it easy," she assured, doing her makeup as she sat in bed.

After she got up and took a shower, doing the whole nine yards with her hair, she finally settled in bed to do her makeup. She was still to take it easy since she had a few more days till she started her shows again---then it would be two weeks since the incident in the morning.

"Usually we do a lot more, but I'm kind of on bed rest," she assured. "However, I really want to go shopping today. I haven't had a spree with my girls in a while and I really wanna just blow the bank today."

"That sounds like fun," the woman kind of smiled. "I hope you have a good time."

She was in the wonderful city of New York so she was really excited to just roam the streets with the girls and have a good time by shopping and devouring decadent treats. But shopping was starting to become the way she was coping so she was planning on shopping for her husband, children, especially Will since his birthday was to come and she wanted to show her new assistant a good time, while she also contemplated a gift for the governess.

"You're invited," Stevie stated simply as she rubbed concealer under her eyes with her ring finger.

"Do you have other things to do?" her assistant asked.

"No, sweetie, I'm going shopping---you're coming with to shop for yourself," she kind of laughed. "Don't worry about money---I want you to feel at home and part of this little girl group."

"Okay," she kind of hesitated with a smile.

Karen was only a good ten years younger than her boss, but working for Stevie Nicks and being her friend, that was something else and it excited her. Though she also knew the woman meant business so she would be prepared for that stance as she had been all week, however her boss was in a very weird place at the moment, but she didn't know that.

"There's no need to be nervous, as you've seen---I'm pretty open. And just to let you know, people will come up to us for photos, usually paparazzi... I don't really mind unless they start asking questions, that pisses me off, or unless they are following me. I will not answer questions," she said clearly.

"Well, I've seen in TV before, they shout about you and Lindsey..."

"And that is exactly why I don't answer," she smiled. "The only time we do that is if it is an interview on television that I know about or a press conference. We've had about four press in the last twelve years and that's only when magazines and newspaper columns start suggesting about our lives. For instance, Lindsey and me---our affair. Or even small things having to do with the band breaking up or stupid things," she shrugged, dusting blush to her cheeks, giving a slight contour.

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