32. Over With Success

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1985 (A Year Later)...

Sitting in the studio, Stevie was bouncing her knee to the beat of the music---listening to the sound of one of her songs.

"Ma!" Stella came running in to the room, tears in her eyes as she screamed.

"Woah, what happened, my love?" she lifted the one year old into her arms. "Take five, guys---" she told her band.

The band and Lori and Sharon then dispersed to their own things, though the girls stayed together, chatting over the music.

"What's going on, baby?" she swiped the girls hair back. "Will, Leelee!" she yelled, asking for them. "Calm down, baby," she kissed her cheek.

The two children came running down---Leelee was now six and Will was now eight.

Running down, "Yeah?" Will asked.

"Yes, mommy?" Leelee asked right after.

"What happened?" Stevie asked, wondering why her youngest baby was so sad.

"Nothing," Will replied.

Leelee curled her lips to the side and put her little hand to her hip. "He scared her. He jumped out of the closet and he scared her and then he tried to make her better but she ran away," the girl explained.

"You said you wouldn't tell," he complained at his sister.

She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Will, do not scare your sister---it really isn't nice," their mother shook her head. "If you do it again, you're gonna have a time out."

"Okay," he slumped his shoulders as he walked away, heading back for his room---going back to his orginal tasks.

Leelee then ran over to her mother's side and hugged her.

"What's up?" Stevie asked, her hand meeting the girl's back gently.

"Is daddy coming soon?" she asked.

"He should be, yes," she agreed, running her fingers through the girl's strands. "Are you not having fun here?" she then questioned, concerned by that.

"Well, I know you're working... I just want my daddy," she assured.

"Okay, baby---daddy should be here soon. Just sit with your aunts and I'll see."

Leelee obeyed and went to sit on the couch with the women and there, they kept her quite entertained.

Stevie then made her way to the phone in her house and she dialed Lindsey's place.

In the last year---Stevie and Lindsey went through a big change. When Lindsey had threatened to take the children, the doctor had also come that day; being so mad at Lindsey, Stevie threw him out so she could be alone with her. Dr. Phillips then brought Stevie her medicine along with a lot of information of Lindsey taking the kids. She wasn't too hard on her, though she was frank and she was honest about everything.

Soon after in that year, Lindsey went off to promote his new album which was called Go Insane---he toured a short tour and then he returned, only to find out that Stevie was placed in rehab just to get her to stop drinking and then the doctor fixed her with the antidepressants. The kids were left with Lori and Sharon---but nobody had told Lindsey. He was just happy to know his wife was making progress, but at the same time---they were still holding a lot against each other so they decided to split and he moved out. However, they never did divorce so they were still married.

For the kids, they had to just get used to their parents' separation; Leelee didn't like it at all, Will never said much about and of course, Stella didn't have a thought at all about it. Things had become cold; Stevie and Lindsey weren't too affectionate with one another so it made their children feel insecure.

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