66. Change In Role

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By the time the kids got back to the house, Stevie had cleaned up the giant mess she made in the kitchen with the crystal flower vase and everything that was in it such as the flowers that were in it, water and excess debris. But now being with their mom, the kids, of course had all the questions in the world about what would happen.

Growing in the household, they had been afraid of this moment because they knew they could get in trouble for something so terrible---like the world finding out their game.

"How come daddy left---I thought he was staying?" Leelee asked.

"Daddy and I decided it would be a better idea," she agreed wholeheartedly, hugging her robe shut. "If he didn't go, there will most likely be more people to follow us around... Y'know, if we're separated, it might be better; more confidence within ourselves, therefore the situation," she assured. "Given that, Karen, why don't you order the kids some pizza or something?" she asked, really pleading.

"Sure," she agreed, knowing she could just pick it up rather than having it delivered.

"What about all the people outside?" Will asked.

Stevie moved passed the children and she took a look out the window. "Hm..." she paused, taking in the people that flooded around the gate. "We can just call police and have them removed and have a security guard step in out front."

Her son rose a brow, kind of stunned that her mom would want to go that far; it just wasn't really her style. But then, there was a certain side of their mom they had never seen.

For the first time, Stella and Leelee witnessed their mom go full mama bear, protecting her cubs when they were in Washington, in public. To have that comfort and warmth from her, not just inside, it was a whole sense of security. Even when their dad got them out of the spotlight during the interview at the ball; they had never seen their parents get so protective, but it was an amazing feeling for them because it did show them how much they truly cared about their safety.

For Will, it was the same. He had never seen his mom turn into Stevie Nicks, she was always Steph in the house or old fashioned mom. To see her get fully gaurded, he knew the truth; it was never that she didn't want him or his sisters, she really did want them protected from the public because the way they swarmed around the gates; it was a dangerous time.

The blonde then headed towards the phone and she dialed the simplest thing; nine-one-one.

"This is nine-one-one; what is your emergency?"

"Hi, there is a swarm of paparazzi and reporters outside my house right now and I want security sent out," she stated clearly. "My kids are here and I cannot get them to budge and I don't want photos taken of my children right now," she handed the phone over to Karen to handle the logistics such as her name and location.

"Wow, mom..." Will kind of smirked---the same charming one his father had that made her heart melt.

"Yeah, I know," she smirked in return, rubbing the side of his arm. "It's an interesting role for me to play in front of you," she pulled him in, only smiling because he was in her presence.

She had missed him so much while he was gone and though she saw him a few times a year, it just wasn't enough for her. And the fact that she did practically kick Lindsey out, she was happy to have her son with her.

"So, how long do you think this will take to blow over?" her son then asked.

"It'll be a hot minute," she nodded, sure of herself. "It's just gonna need some time. People will be talking about this for a long time, not to mention; they will bash it, make fun of it, make fun of us..."

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