31. Giving Up

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"We need to get her home," Sharon replied, shaking her head. "I'll drop the baby with Lindsey and then I'll be over... Is that good?"

"Yeah, it's fine---" Lori agreed easily. "Come on, Stevie---you need to get up," she told her.

"Mm, no! Leave me here," she whined---making her body hard so they couldn't move her.

"Stevie, get up or I'm going to call Lindsey," her sister in-law replied.

"I don't give a shit," she popped up from the floor and started making her way to Christine. "Can you take me home?"

"Sure, love---but calm down, okay?" the Brit asked, tucking the younger girl under her arm. She then looked at Lori, giving her that confirmation.

"Take the baby and tell Lindsey," Lori whispered to Sharon. "I'll meet Chris at Stevie's house."

"Okay," Sharon got up and packed Stella's things. "We're gonna go---say bye to mama," she baby talked for the baby.

"Oh, bye, my sweet princess," Stevie took her and cradled her for a minute. "I'll see you later," she pecked the girl's cheek.

"Mm..." Stella reached out, but then kind of pushed away from her mother.

"She'll see you later," Sharon assured. "Be good, Stevie---" she advised.

"You're not the boss of me," she smiled, leaning into hug Mick.

John had already gone---aware that Stevie was a little more than drunk, plus when it got late, he knew he needed to get home before he made a mistake as far as alcohol.

"I'll see you later, Stevie," he kind of patted the side of her arm as he let her fall back into Christine.

Lori left after Sharon, but before Christine---wanting to beat them to Stevie's house.


When Sharon got to Lindsey's, it was late when she rung to doorbell.

Getting out from between his kids carefully, he slid away and on to his feet. When he got to the foyer, he opened the door. "Sharon?" he asked, shocked to see the baby awake. He went forward to grab the near seven month old. "What's going on?"

He was barely waking up, so he was a little disoriented as he even took her in.

"I'm not gonna lie, I think Stevie did a little bit of coke," she assured. "She came out of the bathroom---full of energy, playing with the kids and then she is just out of it now," she shrugged.

"Well, where is she?" he questioned---getting a little worried as he thought about her.

"Christine is taking her home---Lori is meeting her there. She did not want to come home with either of us and she was fighting us," she shrugged. "Maybe you should go over there---I'm supposed to head back," she added, gesturing.

"Are you okay with the kids?" he asked, his blood starting to boil because he had a small feeling things would get a little worse.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," she nodded---gesturing to take the baby from him.

"Okay," he gave the baby back and grabbed his keys before heading out.

His drive there was short, be manged to get there before Christine was pulling up to their gated house, but Lori was pulling in as already there.

"What are you doing here? Where's Sharon?" Lori asked as she got off her car.

"Where the hell is Stevie?" he asked.

"Christine's bringing her..." she crossed her arms. "Things are so out of hand. You're gonna have to force her to see the doctor."

"You think I don't know that?" he yelled. "She's insane and she's gonna end up in some sort of God damned mental ward," he paced around. "This is really bad."

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