16. Pressure Points

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When the next week rolled around, Stevie would be up and roaming around as she liked, but she took it incredibly slow. She was barely over her little stomach flu and she didn't want to do anything to upset that and along with recovering from her little bug, she still had Braxton Hicks which wasn't making anything easier.

"Hey, Lindsey?" Stevie asked as she slipped a flowy skirt up her body.

Her bump wasn't as big as she thought she would get by twenty-nine weeks. She was still tiny all around, with the exception of her breasts and tummy. However, she was comfy in all of her old clothes she wore when the other babies were in the womb---when she had Will, she felt she was ginormous and she was compared to this baby. She was just slightly smaller than when she was with Leelee.

"Yeah?" he came into the bedroom, to see her smoothing a blouse over her belly. "Are you ready?" he then asked.

"Pretty much," she agreed. "I was wondering if we could call my parents... I know they'd want to be here for this baby and with all the false alarms, I don't wanna take any chances."

"Okay," he nodded, leaning up against the door frame. "Seems like a good idea, plus they like to help out with the kids."

"Mhmm," she gave a short nod. "As much as I like to think this moving around gig is gonna be from now on, I know it's not. After my appointment, I'm gonna be taxed and want my bed again." She then gestured for him to come near to her.

He chuckled a little as he furthered into the room. "What?" he asked, unsure of what she needed.

"I just need you to lean on while I slip my shoes on," she clarified with a small smirk. "This baby really doesn't like when I bend---like it hurts."

He kind of nodded, "That may be because you're just sore."

"Yeah," she nodded---steadying herself. "Are you ready?" she then asked, taking a look at him.

"Yeah, when you are," he assured.

"Okay," she sighed. "I haven't vomited all day so like I'm really happy," she assured.

"I bet," he nodded in acknowledgment. Holding his hand out for her, he waited for her to slip hers into his.

Sitting on the examining table, Stevie was calm and content as she laid there with Lindsey at her side.

In the last weeks, it had been such a blessing to have him with her because it just felt less cold than when she went by herself or with Lori. It just made it more comfortable and she knew he wanted to be there just as much and having that happen after each of the other pregnancies---it was actually amazing.

"Hi, Stevie---" Dr. Phillips walked in, her eyes on a the file as she took residency on her swivel chair. "Are you still vomiting?" she then asked firstly as she set up the equipment for an ultrasound.

"I haven't today, at all---yesterday morning, I did and ever since then I have been a little nauseous but I've been okay," she let her head fall back, looking at the woman.

"Alright, so... I'm gonna show you something---" she assured as she pressed a couple buttons on the machine. "Let me see your hand," she gestured.

Stevie willingly put a hand out for her.

Lindsey watched intently, not knowing what would happen at all.

"This little bump right here?" she pointed out on her wrist.

"Yeah, kind of," she furrowed her brow, looking at the faint bump over her vein.

"Press it, like this---" she did so, making Stevie squirm a little.

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