48. Dark Secret

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Waking up in the morning, Stevie was just getting up, happy to get the day started because she knew she was going to have a show and even though she was slightly nervous, she was managing the other things for the time being.

Just as she was making her way to the restroom, her phone started ringing so she quickly made her way back to pick it up.

"Hello?" she answered.

"I'm coming over---I wanna chat with you about something," Lori assured.


"I'll bring coffee and something for you to eat."

"I'm not hungry, but coffee sounds great."

"You're pregnant, you're eating," the red head assured before hanging up.

"Okay..." she mumbled, trailing off. She looked at the phone and then put it back on the hook. After, she then went back to what she was doing; getting her morning started.

Before Lori got there, Stevie managed to jump in the shower and wash up. As her sister walked in, she was just messing with her hair before moving to her makeup.

"Hey," the red head came in, more cheery than usual. "Here's your coffee," she sat the cup on the counter in the bathroom, next to her.

"Hey, thanks," Stevie kind of grinned as she watched the girl settle on top of the toilet seat. "So, what's the crisis?" she asked.

"I was up all night thinking about your brother," Lori claimed, getting a bagel and cream cheese ready to eat as she sat and watched her sister make herself up.

Lori was also to be getting ready, but she was a more "let me do my makeup in the car" kind of gal. She moved fast and food was more of her friend than it was Stevie's, but that was because the blonde felt she overate and devoured everything in sight when she was pregnant that it made her not want to eat anything when she wasn't. Her pregnancy foods, just the thought made her want to vomit.

"Y'know, when you say your brother... It is a little awkward for me, especially when you start talking about your sex life. So, please, if you could spare me by just saying his name..." she gave a thumbs up. "That'd be great. But then again, if you could spare me any talk of your sex life, all more the better."

"That's beyond the point of this conversation. He's still hammering me about a baby and I just don't want to get pregnant. I've seen all you've gone through, plus now and you've scared me, quite frankly."

"I've scared myself," she opened a bobby pin with her teeth and pinned a piece of ratted hair back.

"Yeah, but the thing is; sure, I like kids... I like your kids---but having my own, that's different."

"Well, do you want this one if Lindsey decides to kill me after it's born?" she had ask, her voice as though she was carrying a simple conversation, however it was all taken by her dark humor and sarcasm.

"Stevie..." she whined.

"I'm kidding," she shrugged. "Look, be honest with him and tell him you don't want to. How hard is that?"

"Extremely hard, obviously. I talk and talk and talk, and he doesn't listen. But at the very same time, I don't think I'm listening to myself. I kind of want a baby, but I'm getting too old for it."

Stevie rose a brow, letting her tongue hit the inside of her cheek; that being just a reminder that it was going to be hard because she was three years older than her sister in-law.

"Ah, no offense," she gestured, not thinking about it.

"If I say none taken, can this conversation be over?" Stevie asked, ready to begin her makeup as she leaned, looking at her skin.

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