58. Guilt

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As the next weeks rolled, Stevie would be out on the road with Sharon and Lori while Kristen was at Lindsey's house with the girls; Lindsey doing his own thing---out and about more often with management since he had a lot to accomplish before he released his album and went on tour.

Lindsey still scheduled his own tours because he definitely planned around his kids' birthdays, his wife's birthday and their anniversary. He was very particular when it came to what he wanted and he was allowed to be more open with why certain dates were to be blocked off.

Stevie, Sharon and Lori were all getting ready---the blonde most happy about this final tour for a while. She was happy to have fun, blow the bank and party this time around.

She still never drank often, but this time she knew she could have a good time if she did drink and just pay attention to her surroundings. She didn't have a problem; her last problem came from having depression, so though she was a little iffy, she was still being encouraged by Lori.

"So, what do you gals wanna do first?" Stevie pranced around, as she searched through her clothes, creating a disaster in the midst. "We get to party extra, my friends..."

"Why is that?" Sharon asked.

"Ah, well, y'know..." she paused, putting a dress to her body. "I just kind of had a hellacious time the last two tours. Between what happened with the baby, then a tour with the new Mac line up and then losing my song and baby boy..." she shrugged. "I just wanna loosen up, but not in the crazy, postpartum, psycho depression way like last time. I truly, just want to have a good time and since this is the last run for a while..." she trailed and turned around with an innocent smile. "You guys are my groupies so let's just make the most of it."

Lori kind of put her hand to her head, keeping to herself as she listened to her sister in-law go on.

"Are you okay?" Sharon asked the red head, noticing she wasn't too involved like normal.

Stevie turned around swiftly and took her in, her mom-mode actually kicking in, only wanting to help.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," she waved it off. "I'm just nauseous and I have a headache."

"Are you good to go out, or should we stay in?" the blonde asked, swiping her sister's red curls back.

"Maybe, I'll stay---but you guys go. I'm fine, really," she stood up and the moment she did, she could feel herself wanting to vomit.

"Yeah, no, we're staying with you," Stevie mentioned, following her to the bathroom to hold her hair back. She kind of rubbed her back gently, everything about her as calm as she could be.

Lori was one to be sent into panic when she was feeling sick because she never did.

Stevie was laid back and good to answer anybody's question about their aches and pains because she did have children who were constantly, either under the weather or having aches and pains of their own. Having given birth, she was aware that that was the worst pain of all so not much affected her. But she was there to help everybody, especially her spouse because she thought he was a big baby when he got sick.

Like Lori, Lindsey rarely got sick, unlike his wife who caught every bug under the sun.

"What can I do?" Sharon asked her friend.

"You don't need to stay with me," Lori protested.

"Just a wet rag, cool water---" Stevie assured, disregarding her stubborn sister. "Have you gone to the doctor?" she then asked, flushing the toilet for her.

Getting up, "Yeah," she walked over to the sink to rinse her mouth out. "Said it was just a bug."

Sharon handed Lori the rag while Stevie gently guided her out of the bathroom and to the bed.

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