Chapter 6

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Kristoff and the others saw Elsa off as she prepared to go on her quest to rescue her sister Anna.

"Are you sure you don't want the soldiers and I to accompany you?" asked Matthias.

"I'm sure," insisted Elsa. "I'll likely be travelling far, and I'll be less hindered if I travelled alone."

"Listen to me, Elsa," cautioned Pabbie, the Troll King. "The Earth Foundation of Baba Yaga will be located beyond the reaches of your maps. You may encounter things and places that are foreign to you, perhaps even frightening. Don't lose faith. Be brave, and you will be successful."

"Thank you, Pabbie," said Elsa.

"Don't worry," said Kristoff. I will protect Arendelle. The kingdom is in good hands."

Elsa smiled. "I never doubted it for a second." She hugged her brother-in-law. "Don't worry, I will find her."

A glum Olaf approached Elsa. "Goodbye, Elsa. It's been so hard not having Anna around. I just don't know how I'm going to survive without you around too!"

"I agree..." Elsa said absentmindedly. She looked at Olaf for several seconds, the grabbed his stick hand. "Olaf, come over here for a second."

She led Olaf a few meters away from the rest of the group, then crouched down to look at him at eye level. "Would you like really like to come with me?"

Olaf opened his mouth to speak, but Elsa held a finger to his mouth to stop him. "Think carefully about your answer. I want to make sure this something that you truly want."

"Oh yes!" replied Olaf. "I'd give anything to see Anna again!"

Elsa smiled warmly. "That's all I needed to hear. Close your eyes...."

Olaf did as he was told. Elsa stood up and, facing away from the group, used her magic on the snowman. Suddenly, Olaf vanished.

Startled, Kristoff was about to say something, but then Elsa turned back around. She was still wearing the pendant necklace - her gift from her sister Anna - but instead of the stone locket, in its place was Olaf's smiling face.

"Well, this is different," Olaf said, totally unfazed by the transformation.

Kristoff was flummoxed. "Why did you do that?"

"Pabbie is right," explained Elsa. "I may be traveling far beyond the reaches of Arendelle, and my magic can only reach so far. I think it's better if I bring Olaf with me. That way I can ensure he will be safe."

"Oh boy!" exclaimed Olaf. "We're going on an adventure!"

"That's the spirit, Olaf," Elsa exclaimed. "Just wait, we'll see Anna soon enough."

Elsa waved to everyone as she traveled by Nokk across the sea to parts unknown.

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now