Chapter 14

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"Put me down! Let me go!"

A miniaturized rock golem, not unlike the ones from the Enchanted Forest, had carried Anna over its shoulder and carried her down a dark, cavernous tunnel. 

Eventually, they reached the end of the tunnel, and the golem unceremoniously dropped her on the ground.

"Ow!" said Anna, rubbing her sore backside. "Thanks a lot."

She surveyed her new surroundings; it looked as though she was still in a cave, but this area was much more furnished than where she and the little boy were being held captive. A small fire even burned in the center of the space, giving it a bit of a homey feel.

On the other side of the furnished face stood the white-haired woman from before. She had her back to Anna and was looking out a round portal that could best be described as a magic window.

"I wish you would stop trying to escape from here," said the white-haired woman.

Anna was indignant. "Well, maybe if you explained yourself on why you kidnapped me, I might be a more gracious guest."

The woman turned around. Now that Anna could get a better look at her, she noticed her face was scarred on the right side; covering her face from the bottom of her right eye all the way down to her chin was scarred with this symbol:

 Now that Anna could get a better look at her, she noticed her face was scarred on the right side; covering her face from the bottom of her right eye all the way down to her chin was scarred with this symbol:

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"Who are you?" asked Anna.

The woman smirked; she outstretched her right hand and a cane flew into her awaiting grasp. She slammed its blunt end to the ground with conviction. "I guess it's time we've been properly introduced. You may call me Ivy. Your name is Anna, daughter of Arendelle. And the little boy you've met is named Yves."

Anna gasped. "You have powers? Like the little boy?"

The smirk on Ivy's face grew ever so slightly.

"Why are you keeping us here?" asked Anna.

Ivy turned away from Anna again. "I don't suppose you noticed the mudhole at the base of this cavern."

Anna knew what she was talking about; as the golem ascended the spiral path leading to Ivy's chamber, she spotted what appeared to be a round, smooth pit containing something that looked like quicksand.

Ivy didn't wait for Anna to respond. "Legend has it that's the exact spot where the very essence of Baba Yaga fell in ancient times. She exists in that pit. There she lay, dormant, until the chosen ones come together and reunite at her foundation."

Ivy continued: "When I was a young girl, I stumbled upon the pit. Rather, it summoned me, and told me that I was one of the Chosen. The Steward of Wind. She blessed me with her mark and informed me it was my mission to reunite the other two. Fire and Water."

"Well, sorry to disappoint you," said Anna, "but in case it's not apparent, I don't have any powers. My sister does, though - and when she comes to rescue me you'll be sorry!"

Ivy turned around and smiled at Anna, her eyes twinkling with malevolence. "On the contrary, Anna. I intend to welcome your sister with open arms. You won't be the only one excited to finally meet her."

"What does that mean?" asked Anna.

"You'll find out soon enough," said Ivy, turning to face the magic window again. "We're done here, thank you."

The golem who had stood still beside Anna suddenly came back to life, and picked up Anna and slung her over its shoulder. Anna struggled but the effort was futile, and she was taken out Ivy's chamber and back to where she was held with Yves.

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