Chapter 28

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Kristoff sat against the main door separating the rest of Arendelle castle from the outside world. He was holding a musket against his body; his eyes were closed. 

It had been weeks since Hans and the Duke of Weselton lay siege upon the kingdom. Though undermanned and lacking in the necessary firepower that Elsa could bring, they held their own against the onslaught, and had resisted takeover for this long. But the men were weary, and running out of supplies. Usually clean-shaven, Kristoff had grown some rough blonde stubble on his chin.

Sitting against the other wall was Lieutenant Mattias; he too was unkempt in the weeks of attrition against their enemies. In lieu of his buttoned-up uniform he wore a simple white undershirt.

"Seems awfully quiet out there," said Mattias, pulling out a flask and taking a swig.

"Let's hope it stays that way..." said Kristoff.

Mattias slid the flask against the floor of the castle, and Kristoff caught it, then gestured his gratitude as he also took a sip.

"I hope Elsa had found the queen," said Mattias.

Kristoff took another swig from the flask but said nothing. It was encouraging to get the sign from Elsa to warn them of the attack, but it had been radio silence ever since. Though he hated to admit it, he was beginning to fear the worst for the sisters....

He found himself so lost in thought, that he didn't pay attention to what Mattias was saying. "What's that?"

"I said get away from the door!" he yelled.

There was a loud CRASH as a giant battering ram slammed through the massive door and knocked Kristoff onto his chest. 

As Mattias helped him back onto his feet, something small was lobbed inside the castle from the hole made by the battering ram. It had a tiny lit fuse that was dwindling quickly; Mattias didn't have to guess what the item was.

"Watch out!" he cried, pushing Kristoff out of the way and ultimately taking the brunt of the bomb's explosion.

"Mattias!" Kristoff was unscathed ran over to aid his fallen comrade. Mattias was unconscious and badly wounded; worse yet, the door had been destroyed by the blast. It would only be a matter of time before Weselton's troops made their way inside.

"Come on..." he slung Mattias' arm around his shoulder and dragged him down the hall and up the stairs. He knew Honeymaren and Ryder would be able to hold off the enemy for only a little while, but perhaps that would be enough to think up a plan...

They made it to the royal bedchambers.  Kristoff placed Mattias on the bed and locked the door.

There was a sipping sound. Kristoff whipped around; in the corner of the bedroom sat Hans, sipping nonchalantly from a cup a tea.

"Well now," said Hans, blowing on the tea before taking another sip. "Fancy seeing you here."

"What do you want, Hans?" demanded Kristoff. As he talked, he slowly made his way back to the bed.

"I think you exactly what it is that I want," said Hans evenly.

"This has gone on long enough," said Kristoff. "Is it money you want? Power? If you call off your men I'll give you whatever you want. You could buy a small island for all I care and rule over that."

Hans set the teacup down on a nearby table. "Sweet, simple Kristoff. It's not riches that I'm's royal authority. It's your crown. That's all that I want and frankly you're the only one that can give it to me."

"Well," said Kristoff, slowly kneeling down against the bed. "You'll have to pry it from my cold, dead corpse."

"Well, that's kinda the idea," Hans stood up from his seat, brandishing a sword and running to attack Kristoff.

At the last second, Kristfoff pulled a sword from under the bed and deflected Hans' attack. The two sparred it out in the bedroom, until they both wound up on the balcony. From there, Kristoff leapt off the balcony and climbed along the side of the castle to escape Hans.

"Come back here, you coward!" yelled and enraged Hans; he followed suit and pursued Kristoff. Eventually they both reached the roof of the castle, and the sword sparring continued.

Just as though it looked like Kristoff would have the upper hand, however, the Duke of Weselton and his army burst onto the roof.

Drop your weapon," sneered the Duke.

Reluctantly, Kristoff dropped his sword and raised his hand in surrender.

Hans forced Kristoff down on his knees.

"Good idea," said the Duke. "Fitting to have this cur kneel as the true king exacts punishment. Give me your sword."

"What?" said Hans. "Excuse me, but as the new king of Arendelle, I should be entitled to carry out the punishment."

"You shall do no such thing!" snapped the Duke. "When did I ever say that you would take the crown in this siege?"

"I thought that was implied!" said Hans.

As the two men bickered, a large shadow loomed overhead, blocking out the sun. All eyes looked up; there, in the sky, flew a magnificent beast.

It was a giant blue phoenix with wings that looked as though they were made of crystal; as it flew by, a mist engulfed the area.

"What on earth is that?" yelled the Duke.

Kristoff smiled and stood back up. "I think I have an idea...."

As the phoenix turned around for a second approach, Kristoff could barely make out the person riding on the creature's back.

It was Anna and she steered the phoenix so that it would come in for a landing on the roof of the castle.

As the troops and the Duke scrambled to make a hasty retreat, Hans ran towards the phoenix full of passionate rage.

"Your overgrown chicken doesn't scare me!" yelled Hans. "I'll cut you down to size. How dare you interrupt my mutiny!"

Hans let out a battle cry and swung his sword wildly.

The phoenix screeched in challenge; as it did, a stream of cold air flew from the creature's mouth. By the time it was finished, Hans was frozen in place, a menacing sword-wielding ice statue, but a statue none the less.

Witnessessing the sheer power of the beast, the Duke and his troops had no choice but to surrender immediately; they all kowtowed in terrified reverence.

"Anna!" cried Kristoff.


Kristoff ran toward his wife just as she hopped off the phoenix's back. When he reached her, Kristoff lifted her in the air, twirled her, and kissed her passionately on the lips.

"You've come back to me," Kristoff said softly.

Anna smiled. "Of course I did. Our love is not fragile."


"Bless you," said Kristoff.

"That wasn't me," said Anna. She motioned to Yves, wrapped up in a bundle attached to her back. 

"Oh," said Kristoff. "Hello there, little guy..."

Yves laughed and gurgled in response. 

Olaf was next to jump off the phoenix's back. "Hi Kristoff! What's going on up here? Looks like you were having a party."

"Not quite," said Kristoff. "Where's Elsa?"

The phoenix raised its wings and screeched again. A whirlpool of fire and ice wrapped around the creature and when the whirlpool dissipated the phoenix was gone.

In its place stood Elsa and Olivia, wrapped in an embrace. They eventually separated but still held hands and stared at each other, smiling.

"Huh," said Kristoff.

"Funny," said Anna. "Elsa set out to find me, but in the process, I think she also found out a bit more about herself."

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