Chapter 8

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The stranger charged at full force.

It took all of Elsa's strength and skill to keep her attacker at bay; every time the stranger tried to connect with her flaming hands, Elsa would parry with her ice daggers.

But the ice daggers were melting, getting smaller and smaller with every defensive move. Eventually Elsa's hands were bare again, and that's when she was roundhouse-kicked to the ground.

"Playtime's over," said the stranger, gearing up for the final blow.

Out of desperation, Elsa used her powers to direct an arctic blast at the woman. To counter, the woman used her flame in an attempt to quickly dissipate the attack.

But unlike water, the ice didn't immediately turn to steam. Instead, she stopped the attack, but the melted water still reached her and dowsed her fully.

Here was Elsa's chance. Standing up, she used her powers to run around the woman and freeze her in place. By the time she was finished, the woman was a veritable human popsicle, with just her head bobbing and writhing in anger.

"Aargh! Let me go!" yelled the woman.

"Not until you tell me who you are, and why you've been following me!" demanded Elsa. "Are you a thief?"

"Your powers of perception are astounding," said the woman, deadpan. "Yes, I was going to rob you. Anyone stupid enough to be caught alone in these woods deserves to be fleeced."

"And yet you're by yourself," countered Elsa.

"How do you know?" shot back the stranger.

Elsa's eyes darted around, making sure it was just the two of them in the vicinity.

"Nah, I traveled alone," confessed the woman, laughing.

Elsa eyed her prisoner warily, not entirely trusting her.

The woman looked Elsa up and down and grinned. "You're kinda strong. I don't see many water-users in these parts. Much less ice-conjurers. I'm glad I got to battle wits with you."

"Oh is that what you call it?" asked Elsa, who was growing more annoyed by the second. "And you didn't answer my first question: who are you?"

As the two bantered, the stranger distracted Elsa so she could conjure fire with her hands gradually melting away the ice. Suddenly, her ice tomb exploded and she was free to move again.

Elsa geared up to go for round two, but the woman put her hands up in defense.

"Hey, hey, hey! I think we're done with that. I don't want to fight you anymore."

Elsa softened a bit. "Why not?"

"Because game...recognizes game." she walked around Elsa, scrutinizing her. "You and I would make a pretty good team. I could use a partner in crime."

Elsa scoffed. "Are you kidding? I'm not a thief!"

"'re not..." said the woman. She leaned in, catching Elsa off-guard, and took a big long whiff. She then snorted. "You smell of royal stock."

"What?" Elsa folded her arms around her chest; she felt exposed. "How can you tell?"

"Well, it's pretty obvious. Dressed in finery, traveling alone without a care in the world. Why are you out here by yourself?"

Elsa's was about to answer when she heard extra rustling around them. "I thought you said you were a--"

She turned to face the stranger, but she had already vanished. Seconds later, a band of 3 brigadiers emerged from their hiding spots and stood before Elsa.

"Look what we got here, boys!" said the leader. "We got a veritable windfall in front of us."

The shorter man laughed. "A windfall...oh, I get it!" He pointed his hand at Elsa and a blast of air knocked her off her feet and into a nearby tree. "Wind. Fall! Good one boss!"

The larger muscle of the group said nothing, but the massive club in his hands suddenly caught on fire.

Elsa thought he had done it himself, but then he dropped it hastily on the ground, startling the other two men. Then a circle of flames surrounded the three men and rose several feet in the air, before falling back down, revealing the charred brigadiers.

"'Cendee...." said the large one.

"That's right, Moose," said the leader. "She's an incendiary. A fire user. Best to cut our losses."

The leader snapped his fingers and the wind picked up so that the leaves surrounded them fully. When the leaves dissipated, the men were gone.

"Ahem." Elsa looked to her right; leaning against a tree and rubbing her knuckles on her palm, the stranger looked at Elsa and smiled wryly.

"I'll take that 'thank you' any time now."

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now