Chapter 16

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Yelana looked up to the sky, and saw a large, blue figure fly above the trees. Intrigued, she followed it until she reached a clearing within the Enchanted Forest, where there was an elevated escarpment.

There she got a better look at the figure: a large, blue bird that appeared to be made of ice soared overhead.

Ryder appeared, following close behind the Northuldra Elder as she abruptly left the tribe.

"What is it?" asked Ryder.

"Not sure..." replied Yelana.

"It looks like it's heading toward Arendelle," said Ryder. "Do you think it could be a message from Elsa?"

Yelana's face darkened with concern. "A message....perhaps a warning...."

Ryder was bemused. "Elder...?"

Yelana turned to look at Ryder. "Prepare the horses. And get Honeymaren - it's time we pay the king a visit."


Kristoff stood alone with his arms behind his back in the study room of Arendelle Castle. A fire was roaring at the end of the room; above the fireplace hung a large portrait of himself, Elsa, Sven the reindeer, Olaf, and Anna.

He stared intently at Anna's smiling face in the portrait, reminded of happier, simpler times. "I sure hope you're safe, wherever you are..." he said softly to himself.

There was knock at the door on the other side o the study. "Come in," said Kristoff.

The door opened and in came Lieutenant Mattias. He bowed as soon as he entered the study. "Your Highness. Just checking in to see if you're alright."

Kristoff smiled and turned to face Mattias. "Yes...well, as alright as I could be, given the circumstances."

"I trust that Elsa will find the Queen," said Mattias. "She's never let us down in the past."

"I know, you're right," said Kristoff. "Then again, there's a first time for everything..."

"Do you hear that....?" asked Mattias. Kristoff listened intently and heard the far-off sound of horse hooves. Both he and Mattias approached the window on the left side of the study, which looked onto the front pathway leading into the palace. There he could see three people approaching rapidly on horseback.

"Who is it?" asked Mattias.

"Looks like the Northuldra," replied Kristoff. "Let's go meet them."


They reached the entrance of Arendelle Castle just as Yelana, Honeymaren, and Ryder arrived.

"Welcome," said Kristoff. "To what do we owe the unexpected visit?"

Yelana disembarked from her horse. "I wish it were on better terms."

Kristoff's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

Suddenly, there was the sound of an ethereal whinny. All five pairs of eyes turned to the waterway connecting Arendelle to the sea. From the distance, they could see water spirit Nokk rapidly galloping toward the group and closing the distance between them.

When it arrived, it bucked violently, as though it was in distress.

Kristoff was concerned. "What's going on?"

"King Kristoff," said Yelana. "I fear something bad is coming."

"What proof do you have?" demanded Mattias.

As he said it, the large blue ice bird came into view from the horizon. When it reached them, it circled around them and screeched a threatening cry before exploding into millions of tiny snowflakes that gently fell upon the group.

Immediately afterward, warships could be seen approaching from the horizon.

"Let's just say..." said Yelana. "A little bird told me."

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now