Chapter 23

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The citizens of Zuen were still cleaning up after the mess made by Elsa and Olivia in their escape from the city. The tiny childlike elderly woman may have lost her best henchmen, but she still employed several slaves and servants to get the docks back to respectable working order.

Meanwhile, the two Eldritch sisters remained cooped up in their room of their massive home. After Elsa and Olivia's escape, they were not punished, given their lineage, but they were heavily encouraged to cloister themselves and "think about what they had done".

The girls took the offer readily, and had been holed up in the room for days, a silent protest to the way things were being handled in Zuen.

As one sister sat on her bed and read, the other gazed longingly out the window. At first she thought it was about to rain - a rare occurrence on the isle of Zuen - but then she got a glimpse of the giant moving figure blotting out the sun.

"Oh my--you have to take a look at this..!" she said to her sister, terror slowly rising in her voice.

Meanwhile the elderly slavedriver woman was the first to bear witness to this sunblocker in person. She dropped her cane and gasped in horror as she watched the horrific beast make its way on the isle.

"As I live and breathe...." she gasped, unwilling to believe the sight in front of her. "It can't be....Baba Yaga...?"

The giant creature roared and swung its massive gnarled hand, knocking over several buildings and causing pandemonium.

People ran away screaming, desperate to get away from Baba Yaga's assault.

"Come back, you cowards!" demanded the old woman, who was too concerned in her own investments of manpower to worry about herself. As such, she noticed it too late when the massive, gnarled, tree root-appendaged feet had crashed down on top of her, crushing her instantly.


"Anna? Anna wake up..."

Anna awoke to the unnatural sensation of floating in space. She felt disoriented, unsure of what was up and what was down. The first she noticed was Olaf's concerned face looking back at her.

Immediately she touched her neck where the necklace used to sit. It was gone, but in its place was a large blue, iridescent sphere that surrounded her entire body.

"Olaf...?" said Anna, still a little disoriented.

"Oh, thank goodness you're all right!" exclaimed a worried Olaf.

As Anna's faculties slowly came back to her, she realized the cave where she had been held prisoner had vanished. In its place was a hazy purple void of nothingness. She attempted to "stand" while in the orb, but it offered her no tactile feedback; her feet just floated in space.

"Where are we...?" asked Olaf. "Is this...Snow Man's Land...?"

Anna suddenly gasped. "I've lost Yves," she said to the Olaf-face of the orb. "I've got to to find him!"

"But how will you do that?" asked Olaf.

The answer came to the both simultaneously. Olaf and Anna looked at each other and nodded. "Elsa." The orb then began to move in the void and they were on a mission to locate the two missing people.


Olaf and Anna found Yves first; rather, they found the bright flaming yellow orb that held the young boy.

He was screaming hysterically, clearly scared and confused.

As Anna came close she attempted to calm him. "'s alright, Yves," she said. "It's okay--I'm here now."

As soon as Yves noticed Anna he collided with the Olaf orb and somehow wound up inside with her. He hugged her tightly and she cradled him in her arms, and he promptly fell asleep sucking his thumb.

"Well, that's one down..." said Anna. Now to find Elsa."


They saw the body of a woman floating lifelessly in the void, and Anna feared the worst.

But as they came closer, they realized it wasn't Elsa but Olivia instead. She looked to be in rough shape; curiously, there was no magic sphere protecting her body...

Anna maneuvred strategically so that the Olaf orb was able to "consume" Olivia into itself; the orb instinctively grew larger to accommodate the additional body.

After a few seconds, Oliva sprang to life, gasping for air as though she had been holding her breath the entire time.

"What are you doing in here?" asked Anna. "And where are we? I thought Elsa was the only one that entered this void."

Still struggling to gain her breath, Olivia spoke slowly and raspily while on her knees. "This isn't a void. This We're inside Baba Yaga."

"We are?" Anna said, looking around their new prison.

"Yes. Ivy must be controlling her from the inside," Olivia struggled to her feet in a standing position, leaning against the side of the orb for support.

"Ivy's in here too?" asked Anna. "I don't understand. Where's Elsa...and why did she force us all inside?"

"Not me," corrected Olivia. "I entered the void voluntarily. A stupid decision, as I'm not strong enough. The sheer power of Baba Yaga nearly killed me."

"So how come I was alright?" asked Anna.

Olivia gave Anna a 'really?' look.

"Look around," Olivia replied. "We're covered on all sides by Elsa's magic."

"Hello!" was Olaf's reply.

"Only the most powerful of magic-users can withstand the sheer crush of Baba Yaga's influence," explained Olivia. "That's why....I wasn't the final piece of the puzzle. I never was..."

Anna looked down at the tiny bundle of Yves in her hands and remembered his sheer untapped power, and the glowing orb he made that allowed her to find him. Suddenly it all made sense.

"Your brother," she said. "Yves. He was the most powerful fire-user."

"Ivy must have seen the potential in him even at such an early age," said Olivia. That's why she took in my brother and me. She dangled the prospect of freedom in front of my face, in exchange for my service. I would help her lure Elsa to Mt. Aragorn so that she may resurrect Baba Yaga. Now I realize she never intended to set us free. She used me...she used all of us..."

Olivia hung her head down in shame. Anna approached and lifted Olivia's head so that it was eye level with her.

"We haven't lost yet. Don't give up hope."

"Why not?" muttered Olivia.

Anna smiled warmly. "Because if there's one thing Ivy didn't account for, it was Elsa of Arendelle. We just have to find her; she'll know what to do in order to stop this."

Olivia sighed.

Anna looked up at Olaf. "Olaf, I'm guessing you can sense Elsa's power. Use it a beacon to guide the way to my sister."

"Aye-aye, Cap'n!" said the Olaf orb, and it carried the four of them to their next destination: Elsa.

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now