Chapter 9

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Elsa continued onward, annoyed by the stranger who insisted to follow her several feet behind. The stranger was juggling balls of flames in her hand and humming a little tune, which seemed to annoy Elsa even further.

"Go away," said Elsa.

"Aww, whatsa matter, Frosty?" teased the girl. "I can tell when someone needs a traveling companion, and today's your lucky day."

Elsa spun around and gave a death glare. "I don't need anyone! Just...leave me alone."

"You're gonna have to try harder than that..." the girl said in a singsong voice.

"Is it money you want? Here..." Elsa pulled out a small sack of coins from her pocket and tossed it to the stranger. "Thanks for saving me. Are we square now? Now go!"

The girl caught the sack and scrutinized the weight in her palm. She then pocketed coins...but persisted on. "I'm just curious about your story."

Elsa groaned in exasperation and stomped onward.

"Indulge me, Frosty," said the girl. "What's a pampered palace brat like you doing all the way out here in Valalisa? I'm just dying to know."

"Well, if you must know," said Elsa, "I'm on a mission to save my sister. She's been kidnapped."

"Aaah...." said the girl. "Well, forgive my ignorance, but why didn't she fight off her attacker with the same amazing ice powers you were blessed with?"

"Well, unlike you and I, my sister wasn't...'blessed' with the same abilities. She doesn't have any powers of her own."

The comment caused the girl to pause. "Interesting."

Elsa stopped walking. "What?"

"Oh,'s nothing. It's just...well, where I'm from, it's looked down upon if you're born without any abilities. Some would go as far to call your sister a defect...."

Elsa was at the girl's side in two seconds flat, rage burning in her eyes. She grabbed the girl by her leather jumpsuit. "Call my sister a defect again and I'll freeze your tongue to the roof of your mouth."

"DON'T." said the girl. "TOUCH ME."

Elsa released the girl and the two stared each other down for several seconds.

Finally, the girl cleared her throat and fixed her hair. "Look. I think you and I got off on the wrong foot. So let's try this whole introduction thing over again." She pointed to herself. "My name's Olivia, and you are...?"

Elsa's eyes narrowed. "Why should I tell you anything else about myself when you just insulted me?"

"Because, Frosty..." said Olivia, sidling up close enough to Elsa for it to be uncomfortable, "Out these woods...I'm the only friend you've got, whether you like it or not. Or have you forgotten about those charming men from earlier?"

"I'm only going to ask you one more time: stay out of my way," Elsa brushed past Olivia and continued onward.

This time it looked like the message finally got across, and Elsa was alone once again. She began to relish her reclaimed peace, when she ran into an area that was cordoned off by a wall of pure pressurized air.

Elsa inspected left and right, but it appeared that the wall stretched on for miles.

She tried to walk through but to no avail. After the third attempt she was literally blown back  several feet.

She heard a wistful sigh. "'s so cute that you think you can do this on your own."

Elsa growled in frustration. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!"

"Is it so difficult to believe that I actually want to help you, Frosty?" Olivia stood by her side. "It's an Elemental Toll Gate. If you're going to get through the wind, you're going to need more than water powers. OH! Well, whaddya know? I have fire powers..."

Olivia raised her hands above her hands and directed a stream of pure fire toward the elemental toll bridge. The fire combined with the wind and spread through the entirety of the gate; suddenly a small door-like entryway swung upon.

"After you, Your Highness," said Olivia, bowing.

Amazed, Elsa walked through the gate, marveling at the synergy of the two elements. "How did you...?"

"Each element has its own strengths and weaknesses," explained Olivia, following behind her. "Fire is weak against water, but strong against air. Air is strong against water..."

"And what about Earth?" 

"Aah....she's curious now," smirked Olivia.

"Please....I'm out of my element in these lands. Maybe....we can work together. At least until I find my sister."

"Alright," said Olivia. "I'll help ONE condition." She folded her arms.

Elsa tensed. "What is it?"

Olivia then softened. "I just want to know your name, Princess."

"Oh. It's Elsa."

"Thank you, ELSA. Now, was that so hard?"

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now