Chapter 18

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The little cloaked woman returned to the darkened cellar, flanked by her minions - the group from the forest - and tapped her cane on one of her cells.

"So, how is my liquid goldmine?" she asked. When there was no answer, she tapped on the cell louder. After there was still no response, she lifted her lantern to get a better look inside...only to find there was no one there. The neighboring cell was empty as well.

The little woman threw the lantern to the ground angrily. "They've escaped! Find them!"


"So how does it talk?" asked the younger of the two sisters.

Elsa, Olivia, and the two Eldritch girls were making their way to the docks; along the way, the girls were increasingly curious about the oversized pendant around Elsa's neck.

"Well, that's a silly question," replied the Olaf necklace. "How do you two talk? I'm pretty sure it's the same way as you."

"How much farther to the docks?" Olivia asked, impatiently. "It's almost 4 o'clock."

"Shouldn't be much farther now," said the elder Eldritch sister.

The group left the backstreets of Zuen and found themselves back in the busy open sections of the city. It was close to rush hour, so the streets were packed with people coming and going.

As they made their way through the plaza, there was suddenly a commotion made.

"There they are!" cried out a voice. It was the little cloaked woman, and she pointed her cane maliciously at the group. "After them! They've kidnapped the Eldritch children!"

A group of citizens took the woman's cries to heart and began to pursue the group of four.

"Let's go! We're almost there!" said the older sister. The four girls ran away from their pursuers, until eventually they arrived at the airship docks.

It was packed; Olivia literally elbow-checked about a dozen people to make her way through the crowds, but they were too late. Just as they reached the front of the line, the air ship ascended into the sky, out of reach.

Olivia swore and brought her hands to her head. "What are we going to to now...?" She ducked just as someone lobbed a fireball at them.

Desperate, Elsa's eyes scanned the docks for an alternative exit route. Then she saw it. "There!" she pointed: about 100 yards away was a dormant hot-air balloon.

"We'll never make it!" contested Olivia.

"Oh yeah? Watch me..." Elsa made a mad sprint for the balloon, leaving Olivia no other choice but to follow.

The fireball assault continued from the people chasing them; Olivia attempted to stave them off by lobbing a few fire volleys back. Amidst the exchange, some of the flames reached the tethers that held the balloon to the ground. They burnt through quickly and slowly the balloon began to rise.

Elsa got to it just in time, and climbed into the basket as its movement accelerated. Olvia was running at top speed, steadily closing the gap between them.

Elsa held out her hand. "Grab my hand!" she commanded.

Although Olivia got close enough to grab Elsa's hand, she hesitated. The gap began to grow again, and the balloon was steadily rising higher and higher.

Just when all seemed lost, the two Eldritch sisters sprung into action; the eldest faced the approaching mob and unleashed the full extent of her power, sending a massive wave toward them and subduing them. The younger sister used her powers to send a more pointed stream of water at Olvia's back, effectively launching her several feet off the ground.

She was still too far to reach Elsa's outstretched hand; however, she was able to grab onto one of the dangling ropes that were still attached to the balloon. She climbed the rope and once she reached the basket, Elsa pulled her the rest of the way inside.

Spent, the two women collapsed on the floor of the hot air balloon and panted.

"We....we did it," said Elsa.

"You did it," corrected Olivia. "I never would have made it if it wasn't for you and the girls."

Elsa smirked. "Not bad for a bunch of wetties, huh?"

Olivia punched Elsa's shoulder and got to her feet, surveying the ground below them. The mob that had pursued them had finally abandoned their chase, and all that was left in the docks were the two sisters, jumping up and down and waving.

"Good luck!" they yelled. "Hope you find your sister!"

Olivia waved at the duo, then turned to look at Elsa. "Well...we're on our way now. No turning back now."

Elsa stood up and held on to the edge of the basket. "Next stop - Mt. Aragorn. I'm coming for you, Anna."

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now