Chapter 10

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Anna awoke with a start. She heard the sound of crying.

"Hello?" she called out. "Is anyone there?" Those her eyes were open, all she could see was pitch black. She felt around blindly until she felt a wall. More like a rocky surface, actually. Gripping the wall tightly, she walked toward the source of the sound.

The further she traveled, the more light came into Anna's line of sight. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she realized she was looking at stalagmites in the ceiling. Was she in a cave?

Anna finally got to the end of what appeared to be a long tunnel. She arrived in a large open area within the cave. In the center of the space, there was a bright glowing orb; it was both the source of light and of the crying sound.

Anna approached slowly. When she got close enough she could make out that the glowing orb was actually a small crying child.

"Hello..." she said.

The crying stopped, and the flames subsided so that the child underneath could be seen. It was a young boy, about toddler age, with olive skin and shaggy white hair. He turned his head, stuck his thumb in his mouth, and regarded Anna with big, wide curious brown eyes. 

Anna knelt down beside the child. "Hey there..." she said softly. "Are you lost too? Where's your mommy and daddy?"

While still sucking his thumb, the young boy outstretched his other chubby arm toward Anna.

"Oh. Uh..." Not sure what else to do, Anna took the little boy in his arms and held him close to her body. He babbled something incoherently in his own little language.

"You're a cute little guy, aren't you?" she said, smiling. The boy smiled in response, then nestled his head into her chest.

Anna rocked him softly, humming a little lullaby. "Do you know how we got into this mess, little one?"

There was the sound of shuffling overhead. Anna looked up and noticed a ledge several yards above her. Standing at the ledge was a svelte woman with long white hair with a streak of black. Had she been watching the whole time?

Anna set the boy back on the ground. "Hey...hello! Hi! Can you help us? We seem to be stuck here...can you lend a hand?"

The woman stood stoically, saying nothing. Even from a distance, Anna could make out what looked like a scar across the woman's right eye. The woman turned heel and disappeared into an opening in the wall close to the ledge.

Anna persisted. "Hey, hey wait! Who are you? Please come back! Why are we here?"

As Anna begged for her freedom, the young boy started crying again, and as he did, he re-ignited into a ball of flames.

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now