Chapter 22

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It was dawn.

Elsa, Yves, and Anna were escorted to a  section of the cave where a cliff lip jutted out, several feet above the foundation that Anna noticed earlier in her captivity. Olivia and Ivy were already there; Olivia looked as though she hadn't slept all night.

"Good morning!" Ivy said enthusiastically. "I trust my accommodations served you well?"

Elsa was not in the mood for pleasantries. "Whatever you're planning, you won't get away with it. I'll see to it that you fail and that everyone who's aided you is meant to suffer." She glanced at Olivia, who averted her gaze.

"So those are your last words then? All right..." Ivy shrugged and walked over to the very end of the cliff edge. She pulled out a small dagger and, exposing her bare arm, ran the blade across her flesh.

Blood escaped from the wound and dripped down in the pit of the foundation below. As soon as the first few drops made contact, the foundation began to ripple and glow. Suddenly, the semi-solid surface gave way to an iridescent blue swirling vortex whose light encapsulated the entire cave.

"After you, my dear," Ivy gestured toward the vortex.

Elsa began to walk toward the edge and peer down to the swirling unknown below.

"Elsa!" Anna ran to her sister's side. "Don't do this," she pleaded. "There has to be another way!"

Elsa held her sister by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes earnestly. "It will be okay, Anna. I promise I'll find out how to stop this. But I have to do this from within. You just have to trust me. You have the necklace - as soon as you get a chance, just take the child and escape. Hopefully I'll rejoin you soon."

She kissed Anna on the forehead; reluctantly, Anna stepped away and allowed Elsa to accept her fate.

Elsa took a deep breath, then straightened, her arms extended outward from her sides. She then took a diver's leap into the void.

Anna couldn't bear to watch, and buried her face into the slumbering Yves' body.

Ivy looked down contentedly. "That's one down..." she said, then turning to look at the remaining group. "Now we just need our fire..." 

Olivia shook her head. "No."

"Excuse me?" said Ivy.

"I said no, Ivy," proclaimed Olivia. "This has gone on far enough. I don't care what happens to me, but I refuse to let you destroy the world with my powers. You've ruined enough lives, broken up enough families..." she glanced over to Anna and Yves. Anna nodded in solidarity.

"Wow..." said Ivy. "Okay...."

Olivia steeled yourself. "I'm willing to fight you to allow these two to go free. No matter what happens, you'll never possess my powers for your master plan."

Ivy calmly walked over to Olivia, catching her off-guard with her lack of rage. Ivy used her hand to gently tilt Olivia's chin upward. "Oh, Olivia..." she said.

She then leaned in close so that her lips were practically grazing Olivia's ears and whispered: 

"Whoever said I wanted your powers?"

She gut-checked Olivia violently, causing her to collapse on the ground. Then, with one arm outstretched, Ivy used her wind powers to send a powerful blast of air that knocked Anna and Yves off their feet and directly into the void below. Ivy laughed wickedly.

"NO!" screamed Olivia, who struggled to her feet and without thinking, dove into the pit below after her brother.

Ivy walked over to the edge and looked down at the vortex, pulsating and practically begging for the final piece of the puzzle.

"Showtime," she said as she leapt into the vortex. When she disappeared, the light changed from blue to red, and the entire cave began to shake.


From outside the cave, the exterior of Mount Aragorn tremored violently.

Two giant, knarled trees suddenly thrashed about. Then, two equally-knarled, tree-like appendages emerged from the side of the mountain; the giant clawlike hands gripped the mountain so that it could support the massive, hideous head and torso of an ungodly giant creature that exhumed itself from the Earth.

Two red, glowing beady eyes took in the world and let out a terrifying screech of victory.

Baba Yaga had risen.

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now