Chapter 25

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Zuen was in utter pandemonium as  Baba Yaga wreaked utter havoc among the town. The body count was steady rising as the creature continued its destruction, knocking buildings off their foundations and stepping on civilians indiscriminately.

The city's only line of defense came down to the Eldritch sisters - Salia and Tael - who tirelessly attempted to ward off the onslaught when no one else could (or would). They used their water powers to create a defensive shields to keep Zuen at bay from survivors.

But they were still young and could only hold Baba Yaga off for so long. Their stamina was waning, and as their powers diminished, so too did their hope to avoid utter annihilation...


Meanwhile, deep within Baba Yaga, Elsa rocketed into the Olaf orb, causing it to expand with the replenishment of its power source.

Anna was too shocked as she saw her sister, still glowing, shake Olivia in an attempt to revive her.

Olivia eventually woke up, and involuntarily pushed Elsa away as she regained consciousness. When she was more lucid, the first thing she saw was a sober Elsa, unsmiling, leaning against the wall of the orb.

Everyone was silent, until finally Olaf spoke up. "So what now, Elsa? How do we stop this?"

Elsa shook her head, and fresh tears began to form in her eyes. "There is no 'what now'. That was it. I've failed you. I wasn't enough to subdue Ivy...she's just too powerful. Now all hope is lost."

Elsa broke down and began to cry. Surprisingly, it was Olivia who came to her side and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"That's not true, Elsa. Ivy may be strong, but she's still only one force. If she had to face off two against one--fire and water against wind--she wouldn't stand a chance. Let's do this--together."

Elsa lowered her head, unconvinced. Determined to get through to her, Olivia undid her jacket. She took Elsa's hand and slid it along the area of her back, where Ivy had inflicted her with the snake tattoo.

Immediately Elsa's eyes flashed back to a time long before any of them were ever born. She saw the beginning of the world, and the formation of Baba Yaga and her initial reign of terror.

"Do you see that?" Elsa heard Olivia's voice amidst the flashback. "Those aren't my memories, they're the memories of Baba Yaga. She knows how the world vanquished her before, and now, so do we."

The last flashback Elsa saw was of the four elements--earth, water, fire, wind--joining forces to seal into the ground for nearly a millennia. When Elsa opened her eyes again, she was back in the orb with Anna, Yves, and Olivia. Olivia was smiling warmly at her, her hands were on her shoulders.

"We still have a chance. Don't give up yet."

Elsa nodded and smiled faintly. "Okay. Anna, may we have Yves, please?"

Reluctantly, Anna transferred the bundle over to the arms of Olivia. Then, wrapping her arms around Olivia's waist, Elsa whispered to Olivia, "Close your eyes."

Olivia obeyed. Elsa closed her eyes as well to focus. Suddenly, the three of them were propelled out of the Olaf orb as an iridiscent beam of light made up of a kaleidoscope of blue, orange, and purple. The beam shot straight up vertically first, then curved in the direction of another vertical beam, several yards away, that was solid green in color.

"Where do you think they're going, Anna?" Olaf asked.

"I think...they're off to confront Ivy," replied Anna.

"Ah that's good. I hope they win."

"So do I, Olaf," said Anna, a faint smile creeping on her lips. "So do I."

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now