Chapter 25 Working Together

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(Lion Guard) Kion, Fuli, Beshte, Ono, Anga, Bunga

(Lion Guard Allies) Skip and flying squirrels, Rani, Mzingo and Outlanders, Chase, Kiara

(Villians) Zira, Makucha, Ora, Chuluun (Left), Kiba, Ruby, Mama Binturong (Left), Fang(Dead)

(Animal Groups) Wolf Pack{Kiba and Ruby's}, Flying Squirrel Pack Beaver Pack {Alex's colony}, Sabertooth Outsiders {Zira}

(Animals) Leo, Kopa

Rani looked at Leo as he layed in her arms, "I need to help him" Rani thought preparing to help Leo...

1 hour later.....

Leo groaned as he was regaining consciousness...

Leo P.O.V

I don't know how long I was out for but I felt better in a way but I didnt know why my legs still hurt but it wasn't as bad. My head still hurt a lot but I knew I needed to get out of here and help Father and Leon.

Leo raised his head but when he looked behind him he saw Rani sleeping, "She's still here" Leo commented surprised. Leo looked down at his leg and saw one of his legs was clean and Leo was confused becuase he recalled it was bleeding not too long ago. "Did Rani...lick my wound?" Leo questioned looking at Rani who lay there sleeping.

Leo moved his legs but let out a grunt, Leo then looked at his other legs and he saw they were still banged up but they were not bleeding. "How am I suppose to get out of here in this condition," Leo thought to himself. As Leo closed his eyes to think what to do next he heard something, "Leo?" Rani questioned hearing his grunting.

Leo turned and looked at Rani, "Yeah" Leo responded, Rani, stood up and exchanged looks with Leo. "What are you doing?" Rani asked, Listen, Rani, I'm thankful and all but I'm getting out of here" Leo explained turning around trying to limp away but he grunted every time. Rani walked beside him and looked at him, "Are you crazy you're in no condition to walk" Rani advised, "Saids you" Leo pointed out.

Rani paused and looked at her injured leg, "Did you lick my wound?" Leo asked, Rani, blushed but shook it off quickly before Leo noticed. " it didnt continue bleeding" Rani explained quickly, Leo smiled, "Thanks" Leo thanked. Leo continued to look at Rani, "If you got me this far then I guess I should listen to you" Leo suggested sitting down. Rani smiled and sat down and they both looked away for a moment.

"What should I say next?" Rani asked inside her head, "Should I trust Rani?" Leo thought, as they were both thinking they heard the ground shake and Leo fell on top of Rani and their noses touched. "Oh! sorry" Leo quickly said standing up blushing, Rani shook her face and hid her reaction, "It's fine" Rani mumbled as she looked down.

They were both silent and thinking once again...

Rani P.O.V

He sounded so cute he sounded embarrassed too...Who saids I'm not either...but his fur and paws were so soft he may look fierce but I feel there is more underneath. Maybe Leo isn't as bad as I first thought. Wait...Rani what are you saying...

Leo P.O.V

Idiot how could I be so clumsy I probably looked like a fool...but when I looked at her eyes they were stop... she is a lioness and you're a sabertooth... I need to get out of here asap and find my family and make sure they are ok.

Leo coughed, "Maybe we should continue are way becuase if we are getting out of here we have to work together" Leo advised. Rani cleared her throat and looked at Leo, "Yes, of course, you are right we help each other get out and then we split ways and act like this never happen" Rani quickly said panicked.

"Yes," Leo responded, just like that Leo and Rani limped down the path trying to find a way out.


Somewhere else in the cave there were three sabertooth tigers walking around, "Come on Zira gave us orders" Tiger one recalled. "Yeah, yeah, yeah we know" Tiger two scoffed, as Tiger one and two argued Tiger three was sniffing. "Hey, Idiots quit fighting and check this out" Tiger three called. The Tigers looked and saw some dried blood on a rock and a trail of pawprints, "What's that boss?" Tiger one asked Tiger three.

"I sniffed the blood it's weak but I got it and it smells very familiar and these tracks have a very familiar smell and look" Tiger three answered. Tiger two looked confused, "What are you trying to say, boss?" Tiger two asked. Tiger Three sighed in disappointment, "It seems what is dead never truly dies" Tiger Three suggested. He looked back and saw Tiger one and Two looked at each other confused even more.

Tiger Three rolled his eyes, "Zira was right Leo and Rani are still alive but the good news is by the looks of it they are hurt" Tiger Three explained. "OHHH!!!" Tiger one and Two called understanding Tiger Three.

"So we head back and tell Zira" Tiger One thought, "NO!" Tiger Three snapped, they backed up in fear. "We kill Leo and Rani and bring their lifeless corpses to Zira" Tiger Three planned. "Why?", How does that help us?" The two tigers asked. "Listen idiots Zira will promote us and we show we are no longer loyal to Fang's army" Tiger three explained as the two other tigers understood the plan.

"So now what?" Tiger One asked, Tiger Three hit Tiger one and Two, "We find them and KILL them" The Tiger revealed. The Tigers smiled evilly as Tiger Three followed the trail so they could find Rani and Leo and Kill them.



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