Chapter 64 For the Pride Lands?

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(Lion Guard) Kion, Fuli, Beshte, Ono, Anga, Bunga

(Lion Guard Allies) Skip and flying squirrels, Kiara, Kopa, Kopa, Commander Kazi, Meu, Leu, Leo, Janja, Jasiri, Rei Rei, Kiburi, Goi Goi, Makucha

(Villians) Zira and Kiba,

(Pridelanders) Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Vitani, Kovu, Nuka, Luna

(Ethiopian Wolves) Violet, Seiko, Finn

(Night Pride) Bailyo, Nirmala, Surak, Ullu. Rani

Kion and Fuli were outside the cave and outside they could see the sun rising and they knew by tonight Zira was going to execute the hostages she has.

"Kion and Fuli" Seiko commented standing behind them, Kion and Fuli turned and saw Seiko and Finn were here.

"We wish you luck on your attack, we tried everything to convince Violet to change her mind but her decision was final," Finn explained.

"We could really use the wolves but thanks for trying. Thank you for all your help up to this point, without you guys I'm afraid we would have lost a while ago"

"Kion is right so thanks" Fuli added,

Seiko and Finn nodded as they turned around and walked away following the pack as they were on the way home, leaving the Pride Lands. Kion and Fuli sat beside each other and they looked at each other. "Are you okay Kion?"

"I don't know Fuli, Zira is getting desperate and she'll do anything to get us out of hiding"

"She wants to stop the Lion Guard and all their friends, she knows we are the biggest threat to her new empire"

"But we won't give up" A voice commented,

Kion and Fuli turned their head and saw Kopa, "For the Pridelands right?" Kopa asked as both Kion and Fuli smiled. 

"Everyone is ready inside for the plan" Kopa commented as the three of them turned around to enter the cave and talk to their allies. 


Zira stood outside Pride Rock and saw Kiba who had some scars but looked better than he did last week. 

"Do you bring me news?" Zira asked,

"Everyone is gathered like you asked" Kiba replied,

Zira smirked as Kiba and Zira walked down to the field where a general of her sabertooth forces was waiting and the 6 generals of the Metal Fang. 

"The times has come my friends, tonight we end the insurgents and grow this empire" Zira informed.

"We have made the preparations you asked, after we finish up here we can march our way to the Tree of Life and capture that location as well" The Sabertooth general reported. Zira smirked evilly, "Well done my friends, I have promised power to all of you and power is what you will get. But we will need to remove our Lion Guard problem. But after we eliminate the Lion Guard there will be no one out there who will be able to stop my reign" Zira explained.

As Zira explained her Masterplan all of her allies continued to support and enjoy what Zira strived for. 

"Now finish up the final orders and make preparations for the execution for tonight" Zira ordered. All of her generals turned to leave and Zira was walking back up to Pride Rock to see Simba one more time.


As Nala and Rafiki were checking on Luna to make her feel better Simba looked at Zira, "You won't get away with this Zira"

"Aw Simba, I have already won. Everything is falling in place and after it's all down you will pay for the strife you have caused. I will take back this kingdom for the true and rightful owner"

"Well, it's certainly not you," Simba saw and heard Zira hissed annoyed, 

"You better enjoy our witty banter Simba, because your time is very limited. Tonight you will die, your wife will die, Rafiki will die, Luna will die, The Lion Guard will die, EVERYONE WILL DIE!!!" Zira shouted causing everyone but Simba to back up in fear.

"WHY DO YOU NOT FEAR THIS!!!" Zira shouted, Simba looked at Zira in the eyes confident,

"I will not fear you because deep inside we both know the Lion Guard will come to the rescue and defeat you" Simba stated. Zira started laughing and Simba was confused, "I'm hoping they come, my dear Simba. Killing your children in front of you is my loving gift to you and you alone" Zira stated as she turned around starting to walk away.


The Lion Guard and their allies finished discussing an attack plan and Kion and Kopa watched as everyone was starting to get ready. Kion walked outside and he could see the border of the Pridelands.

"We're really doing this, wish me luck" Kion quietly told himself looking up into the sky seeing a lion cloud. Kion smirked as he turned around heading for the cave preparing for the attack to save the Pride Lands.

I know this one is short but that's because the next few chapters will lead to the finale of this book..

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