Chapter 3 Hidden truth

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Shuichi: Wait you're telling me that-

Kokichi: Yes the ultimate supreme leader of evil is the leader of  D.I.C.E .

Shuichi: I never thought of that but it makes sense. So what do you know?

Kokichi: I think this can help but I'm not sure. When Junko was still alive she did some experiments, they were supposed to make some one become so full of dispear as her. For that cause she invited a drug that she called dispear drug, I know how original, she used people of her cult to try it out, in 50 people only 1 survived, a girl that's around our age and it's on the major course. It's said that she's more insane then Junko herself, I've tried to look into it but they're very slick, the thing is she was doing little things around the world, bringing dispear to every town she was in, I think the killing game was the big thing she was planning all along, but it didn't work, but she's sure to try again.

Shuichi: That's very helpful, why couldn't you say it before?

Kokichi: Would you believe me?

Shuichi: I wouldn't.

After their conversation Shuichi started to do a background check on every one. He started to see if any of the boys were trans, because it's better to be safe than sorry, as he finished the first part of his plan he ended up falling asleep on the library. He waked up whit a phone call from Satan himself.

Shuichi: Uhm hello?


Shuichi: Actually no...


Shuichi: I finally found a lead on my case so I was investigating, I ended up losing myself in my thoughts I'm sorry.

Uncle: Come home right fucking now!!

Shuichi: I can't.

Uncle: Oh so I'm supposed to believe that you lost yourself in the case and stayed there?! The thing you wanted all along?! AM I A JOKE TO YOU?! YOU'RE PROBABLY THERE TO FUCK SOME GIRL!! IS IT THAT ONE THAT COMES TO SCHOOL WHIT YOU ?!

Shuichi: I-its not like that..

Uncle: When can you go home?!

Shuichi: Only Sunday school is closed tomorrow ...

Uncle: You know your going to feel the consequences, don't you?! You piece of trash, I hope you say to all of your friends that you are starting to feel sick, because next week you're not going to school and that's FINAL!!!!!

And he hung up, Shuichi went to the his room, he first entered the major course area then passed by the cafeteria in the facility of the program  while he passed by Kirumi.

Kirumi: Hi Shuichi, dinner it's at 30 past 8 pm.

Shuichi: Ok, so where are the others?

Kirumi: Probably watching TV in the living room. Is everything fine?

Shuichi: Yeah, why wouldn't be?

Kirumi: Your black eye says that it isn't, also I'm quite sure you're depressed.- the boy started panicking, how could he convince the girl he was ok?

Shuichi: N-no I'm not depressed, why do you think that?

Kirumi: Let's be honest who takes a 4 hour long nap if they aren't depressed?- as Shuichi was about to respond to Kirumi Maki and Kaito walked into the cafeteria.

Kaito: You're here Shuichi ? Are you passing the weekend here? Why didn't you tell us?

Shuichi: I accidentally stayed here, I fell asleep in the library.

Kaito: Would you like to train with us?

Shuichi: I don't know, training whit the ultimate astronaut and the ultimate assassin looks very hard.

Kaito: C'mon man, it would make chasing bad guys easier!

Shuichi: I mean it wouldn't hurt to try I guess...

Kaito: See that's the spirit!!

Has they were exercising there were some small talk but at the end both Maki and Kaito were questioning the detective.

Maki: So why do you have a black eye?

Shuichi: I ran into a door.

Kaito: Shuichi you can tell us the truth.

Shuichi: This is the truth, why won't you believe me?

I'm so useless that I can't even lie. I'm such a mess, I should just kill myself.

Maki: Because that's the excuse that everyone that suffers from abuse says.- as the blue hair boy started to panic he did his best to just leave them.

Shuichi: I'm sorry guys I need to get going.

Kaito: Wait Shuichi!- the astronaut called.

But he didn't care, Shuichi went to his room once more. As he closed the door he put in his phone a Sally Face soundtrack in max volume on his speaker, which was pretty loud, his uncle would kill him if he did that at home, and he went looking for his box cutter. When he found it he went to the bathroom, put his sleeves up in the sink, the scabs from the last time are still fresh, he started to cut himself. Well until someone knocked on the door, he began to panic grabbed some papper towels and started to wipe the blood, but the person at the door entered before much was done and he had to face Kirumi whit his bloody arms.

Kirumi: I was going to say diner is ready, but what happened?!- Shuichi started to tear up.

Shuichi: Please Kirumi don't tell anyone!! Especially my uncle, just please, please, please don't say anything!!!- she started to treat Shuichi's cuts.

Kirumi: But you need help, professional help, this isn't healthy.

Shuichi: Don't you think I know?! Can you just leave please? And go get Kokichi.

Kirumi: If that's what you want. - the girl walked out and the boy started to wipe the blood, not actually what he wanted right now. He wasn't sure if the maid would keep the secret, even though he told her to. As he looked into the mirror he couldn't see more than a mess, at this point the sink was full of blood, as well the mirror the floor and some papper towels. In that moment someone else came in.

Kokichi: I can't say I didn't expect this to happen but that's a lot of cuts- the smaller finishes what Kirumi had started.

Shuichi: I know I shouldn't do this, but that's the only way I have to cope with the things at home...

Kokichi: I know and nobody is judging you, Kirumi probably trying to help, she just doesn't know the right way, like you don't know a healthy way to cope with your problems.

Shuichi: I guess that's true..- the smaller already put the Band-Aids, and cleaning the blood whit the help of the taller.

Kokichi: Now let's pretend nothing happened ok? Also this music is bomb, for that reason let's say we were just hearing music when we come to the table.

Shuichi agreed, wiped is tears and they go get dinner. As Shuichi sits down every one starts asking questions.

Miu: Was the music loud so we wouldn't hear you fuck?

Kokichi: Get your mind out of the gutter, I was in is room for like 5 minutes and it was just now!!!

Gonta: Gonta thinks the music was to loud, gentleman don't put music that loud.

Shuichi: I'm sorry Gonta I will have that in mind next time, I just really like Sanity's Fall .

They eat diner, Shuichi was trying to ignore the question. After diner he went back to his room and tried to sleep, but the fear of  what is uncle will do Sunday made him pass the night in constant worry.

As always please vote if you're enjoying the story and comment so I can know your thoughts.
Much love.


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