Chapter 22 Relaxing, partying and talking

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The next day, he went to talk whit Kyoko while Kokichi was still in the hospital.

Shuichi: What do you have about the fire?

Kyoko: It was on porpuse, she mixed things that weren't even supposed in there, including the despair drug.

Shuichi: They were trying to kill someone!!

Kyoko: That or seriously injure someone, thanks for getting Kokichi, if you didn't he would have died and caused everyone to feel despair, especially you.

Shuichi: Worse thing is we don't get to have any leads, all of the suspect's were in the same group.

Kyoko: That's true, anyways I need to work about Richard's case, remember it's in a week the trial. Anything that you can say that would help us?- he looked away from the taller.

Shuichi: Uhm, yeah, I'm pretty sure I developed PTSD.

Kyoko: Why do you think so?

Shuichi: I have some episodes that I have flashbacks or that I think it's happening.

Kyoko: What trigger's them?- he looks away embarrassed.

Shuichi: I prefer not to say it.

Kyoko: Shuichi this is important, it can help us win!

Shuichi: It's embarrassing... The only other person that knows is Kokichi and that's because... Well...- he got a call from Kokichi and answer it. He was saying he was going to school now, of course Kyoko being herself got a chance.

Kyoko: Shuichi, can I talk with Kokichi?

Shuichi: Yeah sure...- he gives the phone to the taller and she puts it on speaker.

Kyoko: Hey Kokichi I was talking about the Richard's case whit Shuichi, he told me he was getting triggered but he prefers not say why, can you tell me?

Shuichi: HEY-

Kokichi: Oh ok, if the little carpet won't tell you I will. He gets this PTSD episodes when things are getting hot and steamy if you know what I am saying.- Shuichi was completely red.

Kyoko: So when you're having sex?

Kokichi: Nah, it always before that, the first time it happened after the rape he freaked out when I touched his dick.

Kyoko: Thank you Kokichi.- she hangs up- So that's why you didn't want to say it. Because it's tabu...

Shuichi:Not exactly because of that but yeah I'm pretty shy about this types of things.

Kyoko: We're going to use the triggers as evidence so get ready to testify about that.

Shuichi went back to the major course area just to see  that he is already there. Not waiting any second longer he went to hug him.

Shuichi: I was so fucking worried.

Kokichi: I'm fine now ok? Just don't walk into a fire next time!- he said looking the taller in eyes.

Shuichi: You wanted me to leave you for death?!

Kokichi: I don't want you to die!

Shuichi: A world whiteout you is a world I don't want to live in!- Kokichi smiled.

Kokichi: Just, shut the fuck and kiss me!- and he did  has the smaller told him.

Miu: Guess we are holding the candle here.- they separate.

The day goes by normally, well until after dinner, Kokichi, Shuichi, Miu, Kibbo, Maki, Kaito, Tenko, Himiko and Rantaro, were in the hot tub just chilling, nobody really knows how and why they started to play that version of truth dare of the other day.

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