Chapter 20 We're late

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After Shuichi kissed Kokichi, the smaller made a advance, taking the other to his room and looking the door. Even if he just cried, every time the taller kisses him like that he wants more.

Kokichi: You don't know what you do to me every time you kiss me like that...- he pulls the taller closer.

Shuichi: Guess we changed roles.

Kokichi: You can say that...- he kissed the taller.

As he did, he took of his scarf and shirt while Shuichi took of his shirt as well. Kokichi pushed the taller onto the bed and sat on his lap, already whiteout his pants. He kissed the taller's neck and left hickeys around that area. Shuichi wanted to grab any type of control he could, since what triggered him before was the advances of the smaller, he loved Kokichi, but he was still had the feeling in the back on his mind that told him that he could do the same thing as Richard.

Shuichi: H-hey who's the top here?!- he asked desperately.

Kokichi: I don't know, I think I could be a switch... Are you threaten by it?

Shuichi: N-no but can we just....- he was interrupted.

Kokichi: Is it triggering if I try it? - the taller went silent- You're going to get triggered aren't you?

Shuichi: Y-yeah.

Kokichi: In that case...- he got out of the taller's lap and made him change positions, this time the taller was on top of him.- Do you prefer it like this?

There was no response from the taller, instead he went for a kiss. In the meanwhile, Shuichi's pants were of and they were almost glued to each other. Then he started to move down, Kokichi embarrassed diced to sit up, he was now on the end of the bed and the taller on the ground. He took out the smaller's last piece of clothing, he looked at him for a second before putting the whole thing in his mouth, making the smaller let out a loud moan. Shuichi started to do his job, taking louder and louder moans out of the smaller, he was really enjoying doing that, so much that we couldn't take hearing the smaller chant his name anymore so discreetly put his and down his boxer's and played with himself. Kokichi was getting lost in his own moans, so didn't really noticed that, although he was starting to worry if Nagito was home, for that reason he put his hand in front of his mouth, hoping that it would muffle the sound. The taller looked at him and whiteout thinking twice he began deepthroating him, making the smaller lose all the composer he had. Shuichi was close, as well as Kokichi, so when he once more moaned his name he came.

Kokichi: S-shuichi I-I'm mmmm c-cumming- when he did the taller swallowed it- I guess I should call you succi instead of sushi....- the taller laughed a shyly, while the smaller started to dress himself.

He doesn't know what I did ritgh? Even if we're dating I would die in embarrassment if he did.

Kokichi: Hum, Shuichi did you just...-he turned red not sure of the reaction of the smaller.

Shuichi: W-what ?

Kokichi: C'mon, you think I wouldn't notice? In a moment you were rock hard and the other you were soft. the taller blushed even more.

Shuichi: I guess we were paying attention.

Kokichi: So this time you didn't trigger yourself?

Shuichi: No.

Kokichi: That's improvement isn't it!!

Shuichi: Yeah I guess it is.

They went to sleep, only waking up the next day by Nagito screaming.

Nagito: Kokichi you're late for school!!- Shuichi woke up and started to panic.

Shuichi: Kokichi wake up!- he said while whispering.

Kokichi: Can't we just stay here?...- he whispered as well.

Shuichi: We're late Kokichi...

Kokichi: Fine...

Nagito: Dam it Kokichi!! What is it taking so long?! - Kokichi walked out of the room and then Shuichi, Nagito then looked in shock- Oh, I didn't know you had company...

Kokichi: Well now you know.

Nagito: Just go to school, you're more then late!

Kokichi: We're going!! Just a simple question, where you here last night?

Nagito: If you're asking if I heard you fuck then no.- Shuichi was really embarrassed, but kept in silence.

What the fuck is this conversation?! I just want to Hope's Peak, thinking about that I bet Miu is going to mock us...

They go to school, when they got there the hallways where empty, so for that reason Kokichi pulled him against a wall.

Kokichi: How about we miss classes?...- the taller blushed and looked embarrassed.

Shuichi:We are late and already missed the first one.- the purple hair boy went closer.

Kokichi: C'mon, this class is almost over...- he bit the taller's neck.

Shuichi: K-kokichi....- they were interrupted by someone walking in.

Makoto: Aren't you supposed to be in class?- they separate rather quickly, Shuichi was blushing and super embarrassed while Kokichi wasn't really faced.

Did just the headmaster walked in on us?! Oh no, he is Kyoko's boyfriend as well! Dam it I'm fucked!

Kokichi: We were just doing that!~ Let's go Shuichi!

They walked in to class and everyone just stared at them.

Teacher: You're late.

Kokichi: Well no shit Sherlock!~- he whispered.

Teacher: Go to your seats!! - they did as they were told to, of course as they did Miu had to say something.

Miu: Looks like someone got laid!

Teacher: MIU!!

Miu: I'm just saying what everyone's thinking!

Teacher: I don't care, you're interrupting class!- in the middle of the mess the avocado started to talk whit Shuichi.

Rantaro: Hey how's it going with the case?

Shuichi: There aren't any leads if you want to know. The mastermind is careful.

Rantaro: I wasn't real taking about the despair case, more like the uncle thing...- he got him by surprise, he was the first person, besides Kokichi and Kyoko, that asked about it after the attempt.

Shuichi: Oh, that, the trial is getting close and we have prove that he did it.

Rantaro: Then is going well.

Shuichi: No it isn't, you remember that despair drug that was used to kill your sister?

Rantaro: Yeah.

Shuichi: Well he was given that drug some years ago and I'm sure he is going to say that it's the drugs fault not him.- Rantaro had a worried look, they were really good friends and it was a chame what happened.

Rantaro: Keep your hopes up, he will definitely go to jail for a long time, after all 2 ultimate detectives are on the case!

Shuichi: You're right, thanks Rantaro.

Rantaro:I'm here for you man.

This was the chapter, if you enjoyed it be sure to vote and comment your thoughts.
Much love.


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