Chapter 9 Recovery

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As the cold of the morning entered the bathroom Shuichi waked up and started to attend to the glass on his abdomen. Allthought he cleaned it and improvised a band-aid he didn't removed the glass, perfectly knowing that he might accidentally lose a lot of blood. He dressed himself grabbed his bag and walked to school. It was still 6 am, and the classes didn't start until 8 am but he didn't want to be there when his uncle wakes up. When he got to the facility where were his classmates he passed by 2 friends.

Kaito: Wow you're here already?

Shuichi: Yeah today I wanted to see what's like the sunrise here.

Maki: We where going to train, would you like to join us?

Shuichi: Yeah, but I can't do all of it, yesterday I injured myself in P.E., I ended up not going to the nurses office and I think it got worse.

Kaito: No problem dude, you do what you can!!

They train with some small talk in between. It was relaxing not being worried about being late, or Kaede talking to his uncle, just the fact he wasn't home it was relaxing. It was around 7 pm when they stopped the training, in the meantime he already talked to Kaede .

Shuichi: That sure was a workout!

Kaito:Imagine doing everything!

Shuichi: Shut up you did has much as I did!- they laughed.

Maki:Shuichi I think Mikan is already in the nurses office so she can help you with that injury.

Shuichi: Thanks I will go then.

Kaito: When are you taking the cast?

Shuichi: Probably tomorrow, I don't know for sure. But I probably won't be able to use it already.

Maki: More one hand pull ups?

Shuichi: I would prefer not, but I have to go now, see you later!

Kaito: Get better soon!

Maki: Later.

The boy went to his room took a quick shower put some new clothes and went to nurses office.

Shuichi: Good morning.

Mikan: Morning... Hey what you're doing here?

Shuichi: Well when I was going to school I slipped on the floor and got some glass on my abdomen the owner of a cafe near by cleaned it up but I need you to take the glass.

Mikan: Ok then, take of your jacket and shirt while I go get the the tools.- he did what she asked and layed down in one off the beds. She came back whit almost all that she needed- Shuichi has this is a nurses office I don't have any anesthesia, not even local. I can take it out now and give you some pain killers afterwards or you can wait until I get it and possibly get an infection. What do you choose?

Shuichi: Take it now.

Mikan: A-are you sure?

Shuichi: Yeah take it out, I can handle it.

Mikan: Ok, if it's what you want.- only touching the area hurts but he was determined.

She cleaned the are, took out a small piece of glass, cleaned the hound once more and put a bandage. When she had finished the procedure the boy was in a lot of pain but didn't regret it.

Mikan: Come here in 2 days so I can see how it's doing. About the pain killers you can take this know- she gives him pill- and in 4 hours you still have pain come here to take another one.- he takes the pill after putting his shirt and jacket on.

Shuichi: Thanks. Can you also tell me when I can take out the cast?

Mikan: T-the cast?! Let's see... - she pauses for a minute - When you come here in 2 days I can take it out.

Shuichi: Thank you once more.

Mikan: Y-your welcome, Oh I almost forgot, can you stay the week in the school? So I can keep a eye on you?

Shuichi: Give me a paper telling that and I will see if he let's me.- she rushes and does as asked.

Mikan: H-here you go- he grabs the paper- Hey did you end up going to that therapist I recommend?

Shuichi: No, my uncle wouldn't let me.

Mikan: N-not to be rude but Shuichi you need to get professional help.

Shuichi: I know, but what can I do? - the bell rang, they say they're goodbyes and he goes to class.

He already sent a picture of the paper to his uncle, who had agreed to let him spend the week there. For that specific reason the notes whit Kokichi where very exciting.


Shuichi: Guess who's spending the whole week here?

Kokichi: He let you?

Shuichi: Yeah!! And I was wondering if could stay here as well... You know for emotional support...

Kokichi: Emotional support? More like your horny ass support.

Shuichi: I'm serious. Although I wouldn't mind <3

Kokichi: Why are you staying?

Shuichi: You know my uncle, he didn't really like that I say I wasn't worthless.

Kokichi: You what?!- at this point the boy couldn't keep hiding his smile, even if it meant the teacher reading the paper out loud.

Shuichi: We talk at lunch ok?

Kokichi: Ok.

Kokichi waited and waited and waited for lunch time, it looked like it had passed hours but it was just minutes. The smaller was so proud of his boyfriend and it was clear to see. "Is Shuichi finally taking the steps to get better?" He thought. When that bell rang he almost ran to Shuichi's table, the taller was whit Kibbo and Rantaro.

Kokichi: Hi guys- he sat down besides Shuichi.

Shuichi: Hi.

Rantaro: Hi. - Kibbo gave Kokichi a side eye.

Kibbo: You're not going to say it are you?

Kokichi: Chill little robot I know that if you didn't have a dick Miu certainly gave you one.~- he smirked.

Kibbo: Why are you here?

Kokichi: I'm here to talk to Shuichi of course.

Rantaro: You sure a close friends- he winked, of course the two boys noticed it. He knows.

They went to a more private place. When they got there Kokichi hugged the taller.

Kokichi: I'm so proud of you!! - he hugged the smaller back.

Shuichi: H-hey it isn't that nice, I just told him what you tell me.

Kokichi: I don't care!! That's so much improvement!!- the smaller hugged titter hurting the taller.

Shuichi: K-kokichi you're hurting me.- the purple hair boy let go.

Kokichi: Oh I'm sorry.

Shuichi: No problem you didn't know that it was there that was the glass.

Kokichi: Glass?

Shuichi: Oh yeah, it was my uncle, he got really mad.

Kokichi: Are you fucking joking?! What kinda of question is that, of course not. I swear one day I'm getting you out of there.

Shuichi: I will get out there I promise, just give me time ok?

Kokichi: I will wait.- they share a kiss.

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Much love.


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