Chapter 21 Fire drill

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The day was normal, nothing out of the ordinary, well until science class. Today they were doing some experiments the groups were of 4 people each. The teacher organized them like this: first group Maki, Himiko, Kirumi and Tsumugi, second group Angie, Miu, Kaede and Shuichi, third group Gonta, Kibbo, Kokichi and Ryoma and the last group Korekyo, Rantaro, Tenko and Kaito. Of course Kokichi was disappointed he wasn't whit Shuichi but it was probably for the best, it was a dangerous experiments and it was better if they didn't distract themselves. It was going all well, everyone was following the teachers orders but then something bad happened.

Tsumugi: Uh teacher?

Teacher: Yeah Tsumugi?

Tsumugi: What would happen if we spilled something?- the teacher panicked.

Teacher: Well it would start a fire- as they said that, there was a explosion and a fire starter,the fire drill was activated- Already, everyone stay calm, go in your groups be sure to not leave anyone behind.

They went outside, at this point the everyone was evacuated, the teacher wasn't there and Shuichi went looking for his boyfriend.

Shuichi: Kaede, have you seen Kokichi?

Kaede: No, go ask someone of his group, they should know.

Shuichi: Hey Kibbo, where's Kokichi?

Kibbo: I don't know, Gonta was one of the last ones to get out.

Shuichi: Gonta, have you seen Kokichi?

Gonta: He was last one going out, Gonta didn't see him since then.

Shuichi: He his still in there!!

Rantaro: The firefighters will take a while, when they come it's to late.

Shuichi:I'm going in!- he said determined.

Kibbo: That's dangerous, we should wait! Don't put your life at risk as well.

Shuichi: I'm not going to just sit here and wait for him to die!! I'm going.- he started to walk to the entrance.

Kaito: Wait!!- the ultimate astronaut ran to him-You're not going alone!! I got your back man!

Shuichi: Thanks- they walked in, fortunately the fire didn't got there yet so it was easy.

When they got closer to the fire, they put a cloth on they're mouths to bread, trying to move closer to the ground as possible. When they got to classroom they saw Kokichi passed out in the middle of the flame's. Without much time to think they went to his rescue.
After they entered, the teacher began to count them.

Teacher: Where's Kokichi, Kaito and Shuichi?

Kirumi: Kokichi stayed behind and Kaito and Shuichi went to get him.- Kyoko, that wasn't that far heard that and freaked out.

Kyoko: They what?!

Rantaro: We tried talking them down, but they were to determined.

Kyoko: For God's sake!

Angie: Everyone calm down, Atua os protecting them!

Kyoko: When do the firefighters come ?
They entered the room in flames, grabbed Kokichi and got out. He was inconsciente for a few minutes, and still not safe they start to see if he was even alive.

Shuichi: C'mon Kokichi wake up!!- Kaito gave the smaller a slap, that made the smaller wake up and start to cough. Shuichi grabbed his cloth and placed in the Kokichi's mouth so it was easier for him to breath.  They were almost out.

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