Chapter 18 Crying over spilled milk

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They didn't have anymore classes, so they were talking whit Kyoko.

Kyoko: We found out who was talking whit J.E.S.S yesterday.

Shuichi: Who?

Kyoko: Richard, we where seeing if he was under the effect of any drug and found out that the despair drug stays in your body for a long time.

Kokichi: He was the first part of the plan wasn't he?

Kyoko: Exactly, she wanted Shuichi to die before he could finish the investigation.

Shuichi: She was planning this since the accident?!

Kyoko: She was.

Kokichi: Accident? What accident?- the detectives share a look.

Kyoko: He doesn't know, does he?

Shuichi: I'll tell you later Kokichi...

Kokichi: Ok, so is she planning this since when?

Kyoko: Since the last game. Unfortunately for us he can and will use the fact he is under the influence of the despair drug, which means that there's a chance that he wins the case.

Shuichi: What happens if he wins ?

Kyoko: He will be set free. It's a small chance and even smaller if you testify, that's why need you to do it.- she grabbed his hand- When we win, you'll never have to see him again, please even if it trigger's you try at least to testify.

Shuichi: I will...- there was a minute of silence.

Kokichi: It seems like everything connects to the despair case and talking about it, who do you think is the mastermind?

Kyoko: Well I went over the alibi's of that night, Maki was whit Kaito and he confirmed it, Himiko was supposedly in her room sleeping, Kirumi was working, Tsumugi was in a con. The only one we can cross out is the ultimate assassin.- they discuss what's going to happen and the way they were going to investigate. Finally being just the 2 boys Kokichi asked.

Kokichi: What happened to your parents?- he sadly looked at Kokichi.

Shuichi: Five years ago, I was at school, it was taking them long to get me so I assumed it was traffic and I went home. I texted them and waited. The hours went by and there were nowhere, only at midnight a police officer went to my home, he took me to the station, I knew something was wrong but they didn't tell me. I only knew what happened when Kyoko came... She told me my parents had been in a crash, although my dad died on the spot, but my mom was on the hospital almost dying. I went to see her once more that night, she told me to no matter what be strong.... That was the last time I ever talked to her, she died as well that night.- he hugged the taller.

Kokichi:I'm sorry for what happened...

Shuichi: Don't be, at least I got to say goodbye to her and to be honest that was just the beginning of my depression.

Kokichi: What do you mean by that?- the taller sat down.

Shuichi: Sit, this is going to take a while.

The smaller did has he was told. The sky was full of starts and there was a slight breeze. In the middle of a moment of silence the taller took a deep breath.

Shuichi: After that night I passed some time in Kyoko's house while they were in trial to diced if I was going to stay whit Kyoko or Richard... Even though I was still shaken by they're deaths I want to go back to that time.... Kyoko is like a older sister to me and she made me feel happy, she cares so much about me, yeah I don't agree with some ways she acts but she's always there at least. After the trials I started to live with Richard, he didn't help me in anyway and made me feel so alone. The abuse just started after 1 year... It started whit small things, but it got worse. Then he isolated me, I barely talked with Kyoko and didn't have almost any friend in the new school. It's been like that for a few years...- his eyes were full of tears- The other day... It wasn't the first time that I tried to kill myself... - the smaller hugged him still in shock.

Kokichi: You are so strong... Everything you went thru and you're still here...

Shuichi: I'm not strong, I'm weak, if I wasn't so weak Richard wouldn't do... You know what... - the tears ran down his face.

Kokichi: Yes you are strong! You can't prevent a grown man doing what he did, but you can deal with it and you did! Look at me for God's sake!- he was in tears as well- I ran away from home when I started to feel threatened! You never said a word while every bullshit went down, keeping your emotions to yourself and me? They didn't even do anything and I ran. I had a mom that worried and I turned my back on her because of what, some petty reason!- he was sobbing, Shuichi grabbed his face.

Shuichi: You did what you had to... Who knows what would happen if you didn't ran away?- Kokichi sadly smiled.

Kokichi: Look at us... We're such a mess....- the taller wiped his tears while he laughed.

Shuichi: Yes we are, at least we're together in this.- he wiped Kokichi's tears.

Kokichi: I love you so fucking much.

Shuichi: I love too.- he gave a soft kiss and looked at the smaller.

Kokichi went for another kiss but this time more passionate. He sat on the taller's lap while he explored the others mouth. Shuichi just laid against the tree and let the smaller take control, it was getting hot so obviously Kokichi took of his scarf and his shirt, but before he went back to the kiss he looked at Shuichi, who had a worried look, he stopped and looked him confused.

Kokichi: Is everything fine?

Shuichi: U-uhmm n-nothing...- Shuichi looked away, but Kokichi grabbed his face, making them looking each other in the eyes.

Kokichi: Don't lie to me. What's wrong?

Shuichi: Well since that thing, I can't even "relieve myself" you know what I'm saying...

Kokichi: We don't need to do anything if it trigger's you.

Shuichi: Thanks...

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