Chapter 5 The hole picture

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Shuichi was finally home, it had been a good day and he wanted to text Kokichi to make sure he hadn't lie about his number. Unfortunately his uncle was home.

Uncle: What did you told them?

Shuichi: I fell down the stairs.

Uncle: Good...

Shuichi went to his room and texted the "grape Panta king". They where  texting for hours trying to move on whit the case, not actually doing something because they were enjoying each other's company. Kokichi ended up calling Shuichi so the taller could talk to him and search, but a few minutes after Shuichi's uncle entered in the boy's room, the taller didn't have time to end the call so just tried to hide is phone from his uncle.
While Kokichi was in the other side he could hear the adult scream to his classmate, while the same cried on the floor, he heard glass shatter, the uncle being verbally and physically abuse, the boy look himself in the bathroom, the door to that bathroom being forced open and Richard finally getting the detective. It was horrible to listen to, and it went for hours, but he couldn't stop listening. He finally got the hole picture and it was horrible. This time the question was, how often did this happen?

When the waters finally calmed down and Shuichi had cried a pool by this point, the same boy, went to his phone only to find out that the other one heard everything, just like last week. He quickly ended the call.

I have to explain a lot tomorrow.... Why won't I just die?
Shuichi walked to school whit Kaede once more, even though he had told her not to do it a lot of times, she still did it. He was starting to question if Richard will ever use her in his arguments...

And the truth is, he probably will. He grabs everything I love and turns it into to pieces... I'm so fucked. Speaking of fucked I still have to talk to Kokichi, this day is going to be amazing I can see.

He didn't payed attention  to class and when he got out he went directly to the garden on the school. Next to the garden was a big tree that he really liked because it was especially quiete.
He sat down and next to him another person sat down, only there noticing that he was followed. Then that person hug him.

Kokichi: How often does he beat you?- the taller hugs him back.

Shuichi: Basically every day...- Kokichi pulls away from the hug and grabs the others face.

Kokichi:You need to get out there, run away from home, you could live here and if it's to close we could live together D.I.C.E wouldn't mind. Just please, please, please get out of there I can help you.- the smaller was worried to the bone while the taller just grabbed one hand of the other not seeming to be touched.

Shuichi: I can't, even if I hide people are going to find me and I'm not like you.  I don't have what's needed to run away from home.

Kokichi: Yes you can!!

Shuichi: I can but I don't want to. Why do you care so much anyways?

Kokichi: Because your my friend!

Shuichi: Friends aren't like this, not even best friends! You're weird Kokichi you know it right?

Kokichi: Don't you think I know it? That's the reason I was bullied, normal kids don't get bullied!! I'm sorry if you never had a friend who actually cared for you and your mental health. The others probably would do the same if they knew!- they sit in silence for moments.

Shuichi: I'm sorry...

Kokichi: It's fine, I was being kinda wierd.

Shuichi: So do you now something new?

Kokichi: Oh you didn't heard what happened last night?

Shuichi: What happened?

Kokichi: They striked again. The victim was Ryoma's dad, he was found in a dark alley whit no tongue, yesterday Ryoma got the tongue in the mail.

Shuichi: That's definitely to make him feel despair. I need to talk to Kyoko.

Shuichi when around to try find his cousin and when he finally found her she already knew about it.

Shuichi: Kyoko, do you have Ryoma's dad case?

Kyoko: Yeah, you think it's the work of the master mind too don't you?

Shuichi: It's the only answer, they needed to get close to Ryoma to know and I think this is the plan b.

Kyoko: They couldn't make you feel despair whit a killing game so they're going to make you feel despair little by little until all of you snap and become ultimate despair. It's very clever but if they keep killing people they'll end up getting cought.

Shuichi: Is there any important clue to our case in that your's?

Kyoko: The victim was killed by a drug, I think it's the despair drug that you told me about because we couldn't connect it to anything else. I think they're giving it to make a army of despair, death is also a good way to make some one feel despair .

Shuichi: If we're going to beat the despair we should try to keep each other close.

Kyoko: That would be easier if you and Kokichi went to the program. Also are you two dating.- the boy blushed.

Shuichi: N-no why do you think that?

Kyoko: You told him about your depression and what Richard does to you, and you never told me for years. If you aren't dating already I'm sure you have a crush on him.

Shuichi: I-I... You're right, I have a crush on Kokichi.

Kyoko: Why don't you ask him out?

Shuichi: What will happen if uncle Richard finds out?

Kyoko: And if he doesn't? Just try to pretend that you're just friends.

Shuichi: I don't know, he probably doesn't care anyways. Kokichi is a liar he probably will just toy whit my feelings.

Kyoko: You need to trust people, c'mon it won't hurt to try.

Shuichi: I guess I will try.

Kyoko: That's the spirit.

The day goes by, normal as usual. Once more when Shuichi gets home to his uncle being a dick. He used the few minutes of peace he had to send a text to Kokichi simply telling:

I need to talk to you tomorrow.

He went back to doing the background check on his classmates, this time Kaede, but simple because he had to make a depper one on Ryoma. Nothing was to relevant and his uncle wouldn't let it be.
One more day of abuse for the boy. At this point it's a normal thing.

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Much love.



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