Chapter 12 The hottest pool party

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Shuichi almost didn't sleep, so at 6 am he was more than ready to start the training. They train as usual, then the detective goes to help Kirumi until lunch time. They all eat and go see a movie while they can't go to the water. When the time finally went by, they went all to the pool, even Kibbo. Even Shuichi, he didn't care about his scars he just really wanted to have a good time. Unfortunately for him, after an hour of everyone chilling they noticed .

Kaito: Hey Shuichi?

Shuichi: Yeah?

Kaito: Where did you get those scars on your arms?

Shuichi: I don't want to talk about it .

Himiko: Why?

Kaede: We're here for you know that?- he started to panicm

Kokichi: Let him be, we're supposed to have fun.

Tsumugi: But if it is something serious?

Miu: C'mon just say it...- because of all the anxiety the others were  giving he just ended up screaming.

Shuichi: I have depression ok?!? I've been dealing with it for years and self harm is the only I can cope with it !! Are you happy know?!- he got out of the pool crying and headed inside.

Kokichi: Thank you guys!!~ You're such good friends!!~ If he didn't want to tell you guys you didn't have to push it!! He didn't cut himself for 2 weeks now but just because of your curiosity he will probably relapse!! - he went after his boyfriend.

He only found the detective crying in his room. He enters the room and goes to the bathroom, Shuichi had a box cutter in his hand.

Kokichi: Don't tell me that you already did it- the smaller hugs him and between sobs the other spoke.

Shuichi: I-I just couldn't take the stress anymore.... - the smaller put his hands on his boyfriend's face and look at him in the eyes.

Kokichi: It's fine, they were just curious, I'm sure they didn't mean to pressure into saying it. They were worried...- the boy had successful calmed his boyfriend down and was now wiping the others tears.

Shuichi: I'm sorry, I must have killed all the fun.

Kokichi: Don't be sorry,  now let me see what you did.

Shuichi: I actually didn't do anything.- Kokichi hugged Shuichi.

Kokichi: I'm so proud of you..

Shuichi: You shouldn't be, I just didn't do anything because you got here.

Kokichi: I don't care you're fine and that's what matters.- the smaller kisses the other- We need to go outside ok?

Shuichi: Ok.

They got back to the pool where everyone was worried.

Kaede: We're sorry for that we didn't want to pressure you or anything.

Shuichi: No problem, can we just do something else?- the boys enter the pool.

Kaito: Oh I know! Remember that game from yesterday?

Shuichi: Yeah.

Miu: What game?

Kaede: Which one in our class you would date?

Kirumi:So it's exactly as the title?

Kaede: Kinda, but I would like to do a twist! Like, Miu who you rather date whit blue eyes?

Miu: Hum, Kibbo.

Korekyo: Well I'm not going to take part in this game.

Miu: Ok let's see, Tenko who you would rather date besides Himiko?

The detective and the liar- an Oumasai love storyWhere stories live. Discover now