Chapter 23 The trial

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Today is the day of the trial. They were outside the court room, anxiously awaiting it to start. Before that Kokichi was helping the taller.

Kokichi: Everything will be fine, just keep calm.

Shuichi: I'm trying...

Kokichi: Good luck.- he gave the taller a kiss.

The trial had began and Shuichi had to testify.

Lawyer1: Can you tell us what happened the night of the alleged rape?

Shuichi: I've spent the week in school, because of a injury he had made. When I got home he asked me about my boyfriend, strangely he didn't hit me on the spot, I didn't think much of it. I continued my routine and went showering, when I got out my uncle Richard was in my room and he- the boy took a deep breath- He raped me.

Lawyer 1: Can you please tell me more about what you consider rape?

Lawyer 2: Objection! That's not relevant to the case!

Judge: Over ruled.- he anxiously stod there, trying to hold his tears, Richard looked at him, that looked told the boy no matter what would happen if Richard didn't go to prison, he would be dead.- Shuichi can you answer the question?

Shuichi: Oh, sorry. - he said while he gently cleaned his tears- Well what I meant by rape... Exactly what the word means.

Lawyer 1:What happened Shuichi?- he took another deep breath.

Shuichi: He pinned me too the ground when I tried to run. He took the towel I was wearing and he proceeded to do it, never I gave him any type of consent or mixed message I ran and he continued.- he looked at Richard who had a smirk look on his face. He just wanted to hit him so bad. But he couldn't.

The time went bye they were now interrogating about the PTSD.

Lawyer 2: Isn't it true you have PTSD?

Shuichi: Yes.

Lawyer 2: What are your triggers?

Shuichi: I'm getting triggered when I'm intimate with my boyfriend.

Lawyer 1: So you had sex after all this supposed traumatizing experience?

Shuichi: We never get to that... I get triggered before we start doing something and he let's me be.

After a exhausting trial, Richard was finally convicted, guilty on the charges of domestic violence and child abuse. They were outside the court room, it was almost 7 pm.

Kyoko: We did it. - he hugged her.

Shuichi: Thank you, I can't thank you enough.

Kyoko: Shuichi, I wasn't the only one that was involved in this. Thank specially Kokichi, if it wasn't him we all know what would be your faith.

Shuichi: Yeah..

Kyoko: Well I need to get going, are you sleeping in Hopes Peak or ?...

Shuichi: I'm going to Kokichi's house.

Kyoko: Ok... Just try to be there tomorrow, I'm going to get you a room in my house if you ever need, since I'm your guardian now.

Shuichi: Goodbye.

Kyoko: Bye.- Shuichi walked to Kokichi, that was outside, when he saw the taller he immediately went to kiss him.

Kokichi: We won!!  He's going to spend the next 50 years in prison, so his life!!

Shuichi: Yeah... He can't hurt me anymore...- they started to walk to Kokichi's house. When they got to his room the smaller locked the door, as he did the taller started to kiss him- Thank you, thank you, thank you...

Kokichi: I was just taking care of you.

Shuichi: That's why I'm taking you, well that and the fact you were so careful whit my feelings.- he kissed him again, passionately.

While they kissed, Kokichi started to unbutton the taller's shirt and then his own. Shuichi was taking the lead, very confident and confuterble, enjoying the kiss, untill he had to break it.

Kokichi: Jeez you're no fun!~ You're just playing with my feelings!~- the taller didn't say a word and just pushed him to the bed and took off is pants .

Shuichi: Sorry I just didn't want to fuck on the door.- Kokichi went whit the flow and took his pants as well.

Kokichi: Didn't know you were going to do that.

Shuichi: Now you do...- he went back to kissing him.

Kokichi changed the position not long after, sitting on the taller's lap, Shuichi didn't mind for that reason he began to leave hickeys on the smaller's neck. Kokichi was loving it, but he wanted more, not sure if it would work or just would trigger him he put a hand on Shuichi's chest and moved it down until his boxer's, then he put his hand in them and stroke the taller's member which made him moan.

Shuichi: Nagito isn't home, is he?

Kokichi: Nah, be as loud as you want.

Shuichi: Where's the lube?- the smaller went to the bedside table and took a bottle of lube , while the taller took of his and his lover underwear.

Shuichi then lubed the boys hole and he entered the smaller which made them both moan. He began to thrust in deep, which made the smaller moan very loudly. Determined to make the smaller have the most pleasure he went to the smaller's ear and bite it, before he started to whisper.

Shuichi: You wanna, ugh, anything?

Kokichi: H-harder~... D-don't be gentle~...- the taller did as asked

Shuichi: So you like rough... Me too...

They were both pretty loud, but the loudest was Kokichi for sure, Shuichi was enjoying it very much as well he just knew how to be more quiet. He was hitting the smaller's sweet spot not sure for how much long it would last so he started to stroke the other's member.

Kokichi: S-SHUICHI, NGH, IF YOU DO THAT IM GOING TO CUM!!~- Shuichi went to Kokichi's ear once more, still stroking the other member.

Shuichi: T-then, do it K-kokichi..~- hearing the taller moaning his name made him cum almost immediately, then he came as well. Still panting Kokichi was the first to come to his senses.

Kokichi: Shuichi, you still didn't pull out.

Shuichi: I'm just getting ready for round two.

Kokichi: Round two?!- he said in shock.

Shuichi: Yeah, we are both still in the mood, the night is still young and this is what I wanted to do for a while now.

Kokichi: Seams fair...- the smaller blushed as he felt something getting hard.

Shuichi: Talking about it, I bet you can feel it already.- has he said that Kokichi blushed even harder and cover is face whit his hand- Why are you so embarrassed? Is it because yur body is responding already?- he said grabbing the smaller's erection.

Kokichi: H-hey! Shuichi give me a break I just came!

Shuichi: Sorry, the break is over...

Oh sweet good of lemon, what did I just wrote?
Well I hope you enjoyed it,if so vote and comment your thoughts!
Much love.


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