Chapter 29 Prom night

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It's finally prom night! Shuichi was wearing a black suit as well as a black tie, Kokichi was wearing a white suit and he had his signature checkered pattern in his tie. Everything was very formal, in their table was Kaito, Maki, Miu, Kibbo and Rantaro, they already ate dinner so they were enjoying the music, drinks and snacks... Although something was wrong about one specific drink.

Miu: You guys are not gonna believe what I just did!!

Kokichi: What did the little whore do?~- he smirked.

Miu: I put vodka on the punch!

Shuichi: Are you insane?! What if Kyoko finds out?!

Ah yes, Kyoko and the teachers were looking for drugs, alcohol and anything suspicious. It's prom after all.

Kokichi: C'mon Shuichi! Chill out, enjoy the night!*hic*

Shuichi: You're already drunk, aren't you?

Kokichi: You sure are a detective!- they all laugh.

Shuichi ended up getting drunk as well, everyone was to be honest everyone was drunk and nobody was really sure if Rantaro was high or not. After some hours Kokichi was more than ready to get out of the party and pass to his and Shuichi's private after party, the alcohol really got to him,so as the music was very loud he grabbed the taller's tie and pushed it down so he could face him.

Shuichi: W-what?!

Kokichi: How about we leave this party and go do something else?~

Shuichi: You've seen the closet didn't you?- the smaller looked in confusion.

Kokichi: Closet? No... Wait were you suggesting that?!~ My succi is such a pervert!~

Shuichi: So we are going to the closet or?- Kokichi took Shuichi bye the tie to the closet, it was a average sized which made Kokichi happy, he was a little claustrophobic.

Not wasting any more time they started to get undressed, as they did  Kokichi accidentally pulled on the taller's tie which made him let out out a small moan and his member got bigger.

Kokichi: So is that your kink?

Shuichi: I told you you could figure it out.- Kokichi ended up giving up on his ideas as the tie had to go.

As they were finally naked Shuichi began to do his job while he kissed the smaller, the music could be loud but he knew they had to watch out. Has they ran out of air they had to separate from the kiss, Kokichi was struggling to keep quiet and for that reason he putted his hand in front of his mouth. It worked for a while, until  Shuichi hit Kokichi's sweet spot, the smaller lost any control he had and because of that it was up to the taller, that when he changed position so he could hit it continuously and covered Kokichi's mouth.
After they did it, they came out of the closet, Kyoko clearly knew what happened but diceded only to interrogate the boys once they had sobered up and she did it. It was now the next morning and everyone was whit an hungover expect for Kirumi that didn't drink last night and Rantaro that was high.

Kaede:So Rantaro, yesterday you were high weren't you?- he laughed.

Rantaro: Yeah, that weed sure hit hard.

Miu: YOU HAD WEED?! And didn't tell me?! I could had spiced up the food.

Rantaro: Oh Miu you don't know me at all. It was on the brownies.

Korekyo: Well that explains a lot.- they all laughed.

Kokichi: I'll never drink again!~

Shuichi: That's what o said last time and look at me now.- Kyoko entered the kitchen.

Kyoko: Good morning everyone.

Everyone: Morning...

Kyoko: Shuichi and Kokichi may I speak whit you, in private.- they walked to the living room.

Kokichi: What?...

Kyoko: You though I wouldn't notice?

Shuichi: Notice?..

Kyoko: In the closet, real classy...- they finally understood what she was talking about.

Kokichi: Oh that? I was drunk I made him do it.~

Kyoko: So you want to take responsibility?

Kokichi: No but if we need it's my fault not his.

Kyoko: Just don't do that in public places again.

Shuichi: If that's out of the way we are going to get ready for the trip.

Kyoko: About the trip, try your best to not be alone with Himiko or Tsumugi or probably just alone in general, the mastermind can and will strike.

Kokichi: Can't we have fun at least?

Kyoko: You can have fun after the investigation.

Kokichi: But the investigation is going for months!

Kyoko: Just be carefull, I'm sure you'll find ways to have fun.- she smiled at Shuichi.

The day was very boring since the trip just starts at 6 pm, the bus ride it was a very long, Shuichi and Kokichi were in the back of the bus, after some hours talking the purple hair boy fell asleep and was laying against the taller.

Miu: So while we are still on the bus do you wanna play truth or dare?

Shuichi: Miu can you stop being so loud? Kokichi is sleeping.

Miu: Do I look like give a fuck about that rat?!

Kaede: At least be respectful.- the blonde said from the other side of the bus.

Miu: Well I'm not going to shut up, if it's so important go to the front of the bus there's space there!

Shuichi: Kaede, is it quiet over there?

Kaede: Yes. - Shuichi picked Kokichi bridal style and took him to a seat more up in the front, of course while he did that Miu mocked him.

Miu: There comes the bride dressed all in white!

Shuichi: That isn't funny Miu.

Rantaro: Kokichi is in white they're so it's quite funny.- when he got to the seat Kokichi woke up still very sleepy.

Kokichi: Shuichi?...

Shuichi: Sorry for waking you up, here is more quiet if you wanna sleep.- the smaller grabbed his arm.

Kokichi: Don't leave...- the taller gave a sweet smile.

Shuichi: I won't.- he kissed gently the sleepy boy only to hear Miu scream.


Kirumi: Miu are you drunk?

Miu: No!

Rantaro: She's high actually.

Kaede: That explains a lot.

Kokichi had already fell asleep again and a few minutes after Shuichi did the same.

Sorry for the time it took, I'm tired and my birthday is Saturday so I have to make a cake + some school stuff. Hope you are having a great week.
Much love.


The detective and the liar- an Oumasai love storyWhere stories live. Discover now