Chapter 16 Someone will die tonight

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They went out of the room and got to the kitchen, where they all were.

Kaede: Shuichi!- she hugged him, then entered the rest, it was a big group hug  and after that he sat down on the Kitchen counter like the others, while Kirumi prepared him a meal.

Miu: I guess the rat severs for something!

Kibbo: How did you passed so much time without food?- Shuichi awkwardly laughs.

Shuichi: Well... I survived on vodka.- there was a moment of silence, did they just heard that right? They just started at the ultimate survivor.

Rantaro: It's possible, but dam you didn't ate and you drank vodka, that must hit you hard.

Shuichi: To be honest I think I'm still drunk- they laughed.

Kokichi: And the million dollar question is... HOW DRUNK IS SHUICHI!!~

Miu: That's going to be a hell of a hungover!- he eats, hangs out for a while and some hours later he goes to his room once more.

It was almost midnight and Kokichi was scared so when the taller tried to went away he grabbed his hand, making the taller look back to him.

Kokichi: Can I stay the night with you? I don't want to take any chances...- the taller look at him whit a understanding look.

Shuichi: You can, but it's just sleeping! I think it's better going to you're bedroom.- they started walking to the smaller's bedroom.

Kokichi: You are really on defense today...

Shuichi: Yeah, I kinda don't wanna do anything... It reminds me of what happened.

Kokichi: It's normal, you were in a traumatic experience.- they went inside Kokichi's room and prepared for sleeping.

Shuichi: We are still dating aren't we?

Kokichi: Of course silly.- they kissed then cuddle in bed. Shuichi fell asleep fast, it was confurting having Kokichi there, Kokichi in the other hand spend the night awake it worried him what happened... Is Shuichi going to try again? How he was sure he wasn't going to try it again? How could he try to help him?

Then he stopped. 

Calm down Kokichi! You can't help if you're panicking!!

He thought to himself.

I think the only I can really help his by helping whit the case.... And being here for him...

Finally clearing his mind he went to sleep, but it was to late. The alarm on the taller's phone went off and he started to get dressed. Kokichi sat down and looked in confusion.

Kokichi: It's 6 am what are you doing?

Shuichi: I'm going to train whit Kaito and Maki.

Kokichi: Why ?...

Shuichi: When I was going it helped me...

Kokichi: Ok... I'm going back to sleep...

Shuichi: See you later.

Kokichi: Later...

Kokichi was on his phone when he heard a conversation outside of the room. It was definitely a girl but he couldn't put is finger in which one and she was on the phone. He got closer to the door trying to listen.

Girl: You don't understand? You compromised all of the misson!

Misson? What is she talking about?! I better record this. He did as he thought.

Girl: Don't you get it you fool? When they do the drug test they'll know!

Drug test? Is she talking about  the despair drug?

Girl: Yes they know about the despair drug! We killed Ryoma's dad and Rantaro's sister whit it you fool!!

Who is she? I can't connect her voice to any of the girls.

Girl: No I didn't plan to kill them! It was supposed they be like you, slowly pushing everyone to the edge so they could become ultimate despair like J.E!

J.E... Junko Enoshima, Rantaro was right!!  So what's the S.S stand for?

Girl: Yes I'm in disguise! You think what? I'm not a fool, the only thing that could tell I'm not in disguise is my beutyfull blue eyes, like our sister Junko.

Sister?... J.E.S.S Junko Enoshima Sister? I'm 1 letter to short! Almost!

Girl: Oh fine... May Motherkuma bless you and help you with the trail! That stupid mother fucker had to ruin the plan didn't he? Oh Junko we are so close yet so far...- he heard footsteps and slightly opened the door, unfortunately she was gone.

Kokichi: How did she?...- he stopped the recording and saw the taller go to his bedroom of course he went there.

Shuichi: So did you go back to sleep after all?- he opened the door for his room and they entered.

Kokichi: Shuichi we need to talk about the despair case!!

Shuichi: Can I shower ?

Kokichi: Fine, but I'm still talking !!- the taller went to the bathroom and started to take a shower.

Shuichi: You know there ain't no leads? We're just waiting for anything at this point.

Kokichi: That's the thing, I heard her talking!

Shuichi: YOU WHAAAT!- Kokichi just heard hear a falling sounds after the scream.

Kokichi: What just happen?- he said while he laughed.

Shuichi: I fell what you think it happened?!- they were both laughing.

Kokichi: Are you okay?

Shuichi: Yeah, you were saying you heard her talking?- he came out of the bathroom with a towel on his waist.

Kokichi: Yes and I recorded it too!- the taller's eyes light up.

Shuichi: Oh my God, I love you so fucking much! We can know recognize the voice!- he got dressed.

Kokichi: I didn't.

Shuichi: What do you mean?

Kokichi: Just listen to this.- he did has the smaller told him to.

Shuichi: That was wierd, they are definitely in disguise we should ignore the voice and I don't think we can trust that thing about the eyes, but we at least are sure that she is among us.

Kokichi: We need to find Kyoko.- a note passed under the door. It was the same type of handwriting as the clue, Shuichi read it out loud.

Shuichi: I bet you heard me talking, you're not getting far whit that information so let me give another clue, my name as the following letters "M and I". This clue will cost you... I'm not just doing this for anything, every new clue a new body, it's only fair!! Good luck... -J.E.S.S

The boys tried looking outside but once more it was to late. She was long gone.

Kokichi: Seeing the bright side the culprit list as less 2 people... It can be Kirumi, Maki, Tsumugi or Himiko.

Shuichi: On the down side some one will die tonight...

Kokichi: We need to find Kyoko...

Shuichi: And we should do that quick!!

Kokichi: Can I fucking eat breakfast first?

Shuichi: Of course, she will come after 7 am.

Kokichi ate the breakfast very fast, perfectly knowing if they don't find Kyoko, some one will die tonight.

Hoped you enjoyed it.
Much love.


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