Chapter 6 On the bathroom floor

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The day has barely begun and Shuichi had given up on Kyoko's idea.

Why did I text him? Why did I text him?  He probably doesn't even like me, who would? I'm ugly, to tall and thin to be attractive in anyways. I'm depressed and constantly want to kill myself so why does it matter? I'm missing school... I prefer my uncle beating me than to see Kokichi right now.

This not being his lucky day because Kaede has already talked to Richard and the adult was now asking Shuichi to get to school, which the boy did.

I'm getting so unlucky already I probably should back out... Ok Shuichi if Kokichi asks you for anything you'll say it wasn't anything.

Kaede: What are you thinking so hard about?- the boy got back to earth.

Shuichi: Hum? Oh, it's about the case, I don't know anything about the mastermind.

The taller obviously lied but it was whit the intent of discovering something relevant.

Kaede: Well I hope you find them and show the world how great you are!!!- Shuichi smiled.

Shuichi: Thanks.

Kaede definitely isn't the mastermind, I mean I guess she's the opposite of the mastermind would be.

After class Shuichi tried to run away from Kokichi, but the liar easily got him.

Kokichi: Why are you running? You didn't want to talk?- the taller let out a sigh.

Shuichi: Yes I did, but I'm kinda regretting it.

Kokichi: Oh so you don't got the balls?~

Shuichi: O-off course I do!!! Let's talk in private... Please.

Kokichi dropped the act and followed the taller to a more private place. When they got there Kokichi looked a little worried.

Kokichi: Did something happened?

Shuichi: No.

Kokichi: So what happened?

Shuichi: Nothing happened! I just,- the taller blushed not finding the words to express is feelings- I knew I couldn't say it. Sorry for waisting your time.

Kokichi: Wow you passed from try to confess your feelings to depressed and I didn't even say anything. If you would wait you would know that I- he holds the taller's hands- I love you too.

Shuichi: You're trying to make me feel better.

Kokichi: No I'm not, silly, I love, why would I lie about that?

Shuichi: So you really like me?

Kokichi: Yes- the taller kissed the other in the lips. The kiss was passionate and would be longer only if they didn't run out of air.

Shuichi: Would you like to date me?

Kokichi: Noo, me dating you?~  That's some gay shit!~ Just kidding, of course I do!!

Shuichi: Talking about gay, how am I going to come out as bisexual?

Kokichi: You don't need to come out, especially to your uncle. Let's keep it a secret, for now, I would like has well for our relationship be a secret, at least for our classmates, they might tell your uncle something and I wouldn't forgive myself if something bad happened to you.- the taller hugged his boyfriend.

Shuichi: It won't happen.

Kokichi: You won't hurt yourself too?- the blue hair boy froze.

Shuichi: I mean I don't want to lie to you, but I will try my best. But it won't go away that easily.

The detective and the liar- an Oumasai love storyWhere stories live. Discover now