Chapter 10 Pleasant night

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It was a pleasant night, there was a slight breeze, but it wasn't cold. Dinner was pleasant as well and now he was training whit Maki and Kaito.

Kaito: So let me get this straight, you're spending the week here because of a injury that you made in gym class yesterday?

Shuichi: Yeah.

Kaito: C'mon man, you're my sidekick you can tell me the truth.

Oh they know.... Fuck what am I going to do?

Maki: Do you want to die?- he nervously laughs.

Shuichi: N-no, why are you asking that?

Maki: Let's begin with you don't go to P.E because you have broken your arm.- the yellow eye one panicked.

Kaito: And that thing at dinner the other night, you let the phone there. We are here if you need help you know that?

Shuichi: Can we please change subject? Today I'm actually happy, nobody screamed at me or was a dick and I sincerely would prefer not to talk about what happens home. - it took the other two by surprise, they would never expect something like that but Kaito quickly smiled.

Kaito: That's my sidekick! Always keep your hopes up!!

Shuichi: Well, since training is over I'm going, until tomorrow.

Kaito: See you tomorrow.

Maki: Bye.

Shuichi was going to his room when somebody stopped him.

Kokichi: Hey, got some time for little old me?~

Shuichi: Of course, I was heading to my room, but if you want we can go to somewhere else.

Kokichi: Oh no need, I just want to talk, we can go to your room. - they walked whit some small talk in between, the taller knew what was about to come.

When they finally got there Shuichi closed the door and Kokichi started to see how bad the situation was.

Kokichi: Show me the wound.

Shuichi: W-what wound?

Kokichi: C'mon, you know.

Shuichi: Kokichi, I can't take out the bandage.

Kokichi: Oh shit... Well are you ok?

Shuichi: I actually am, I don't know what it was today but I feel happy.- the smaller gently kissed him.

Kokichi: I'm very happy for you.

Shuichi: Kokichi, don't get excited, I can be happy today, but that doesn't mean I'm getting better.

Kokichi: Shuichi the fact that you are trying to get out of that home it's enough to say you're getting better. When I first knew about that you didn't even talked to somebody, not even Kyoko, and you would never think of pressing charges, now look at you.

Shuichi: I didn't say I was doing that. I want to get out but if I try to do it, he will see it . After all  he is my supervisor, if I ever try he will know and I don't  think it  would be a good idea.

Kokichi: We'll find a way.- the taller smiled.

Shuichi: I'm sure. Can we change the subject now?

Kokichi:Yeah sure, also all day I had a question, how did Rantaro found out?

Shuichi: And how much does he know?  You know what let's find him.

They get out of the room and look for Rantaro, he was chilling in the library . Has the library was completely empty they approach the boy.

The detective and the liar- an Oumasai love storyWhere stories live. Discover now