Chapter 8 Emotions to strong to handle

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The night went by normally, at least for him... When he got to school he heard the news, the despair case had a new lead unfortunately I costed a life.

Kokichi: Did you heard it?

Shuichi: Heard what?

Kokichi: Yesterday one of Rantaro's sisters was murdered.

Shuichi: Rantaro's sister?! 

Kokichi: The thing is, she wants to be found out. She left a letter, Kyoko probably knows the details, but I got a threat.

Shuichi: A treat?!? What did it say?

Kokichi: Unfortunately you cannot know, they were clear about that, but I'm not sure it was the mastermind.- the taller hugged him.

Shuichi:Just be safe ok?

Kokichi: Of course I will!

The bell rang and they got to class. When Rantaro sat down, Shuichi could see the sadness on his eyes. The blue hair boy waited until the end of class to talk to the avocado hair boy.
It's was lunch time and once more he was whit Kibbo and Rantaro, Kokichi had to do some stuff.

Kibbo: Sorry for your lost Rantaro.

Shuichi: If you need anything we are here.- Rantaro smiled sadly.

Rantaro: Thanks... Shuichi, make me a favor....- he looks the boy in the eyes- Find the mother fucker that did this.

Shuichi: I will, even if it's the last thing I do.

Kibbo: Wow Shuichi aren't you working in the Junko copycat case? Finding who killed Rantaro's sister doesn't end that case. Sorry to be like this.- he looked at the green hair boy.

Shuichi: That's the thing, they're linked. Whit Ryoma's dad they didn't send them into despair, so they tried Rantaro now. Rantaro you must defeat the despair that's trying to over take you, you can help us allot but only if you're ok.

Rantaro: I'll try...
While they ate lunch Kokichi went to find Kyoko. When he finally found her he hand over the piece of paper with the threat, it said:

I've noticed that you are very close to Shuichi and last time we talked you were covering up his slip ups. I don't know what he told you, but he is fine. But I can assure you that if you try to contact the police you'll end up hurt.
And if Shuichi ends up knowing that this message exists both of  you will end up getting hurt .

Kyoko: So Richard is threatening you?

Kokichi: It sure looks like it and he doesn't even know that we're dating.

Kyoko: I'm sure that you know how to handle threats so it's because of Shuichi, isn't it?

Kokichi: Yeah, when are you going to present charges against Richard?

Kyoko: I need him to tell me directly that is being abused, when I get that I can finally open a case.

Has they talked Shuichi entered the room.
After lunch Shuichi went looking for Kyoko to know the details of the murdered, only find Kyoko and Kokichi talking

Shuichi: Hey guys, are you talking about the case?

Kokichi: Ah...., yes! I was about to know what it said on the clue left bye the copycat.

Kyoko: Here's a photo of the note. It's evidence so this is the better it will get.

I've heard that you already know about the despair drug so I'm going to make it quick. I've been around the world with my talent, but when I got the invite to be in Hopes Peak I had to fly home like the little bird I am.

The detective and the liar- an Oumasai love storyWhere stories live. Discover now