Chapter 28 Food, candles and love (Valentine's day special)

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Shuichi woke up with someone nocking on the door, it was already morning so he woke up Kokichi as well.

Shuichi: We should probably get dressed.- as he said the person at the door nocked once more.

Kokichi: Just let me get up...- Shuichi was whit is top off, only wearing pants while Kokichi was wearing Shuichi's shirt and his own underwear, basically no bottom. Not waiting anymore the person on the door unlocked the door and entered.

Kirumi: Are we interrupting something?- everyone was outside looking at them.

Kokichi: I was sleeping what do you want?!

Tenko:We came to see if you were alive!! Be grateful you degenerates!

Shuichi: Thanks.- he closed the door so they could dress themselves. When they did they saw Tenko crying on the counter.

Kokichi: So what's new?

Himiko: Tenko's master was killed.

Tenko: Who did this will suffer!! Shuichi you and Kyoko need to find them!

Shuichi: We have just 3 possible culprits, we are almost catching them.- has he said that he got a call.


Kyoko: Do you know about Tenko's master?

Shuichi: Yeah.

Kyoko: So we are in the same page then. I'm going to keep this short, it wasn't Maki. We had someone spying on her all night and it wasn't her.

Shuichi: So can I train with them now?

Kyoko: Yeah.

He hang up and went back to his routine. While he was in class they wrote notes once more, this time it wasn't about the case.


Kokichi: Our date could be tomorrow?

Shuichi: Yeah sure.

Kokichi: Then be in my house by 8 pm, we can have dinner in my house, Nagito isn't home.

Shuichi: I'm looking forward to it.

The rest of the day was normal, he of course had to tell Kyoko about his date.

Shuichi: Hey Kyoko, tomorrow don't wait for me.

Kyoko: Where are you going ?

Shuichi: Kokichi's house.- she looks at him intrigued.

Kyoko: Just be safe ok?

Shuichi: I will.

He barely slept, he was very excited about the date, I mean more excited for what happens after it. Even if it sounds wierd sex takes his mind out of his worries and he really likes to share such a moment whit Kokichi. It was friday night at this point, in school they didn't spoke to each other much, since Shuichi had a lot to do. They were eating dinner talking about the film they had just saw, you could feel the tension in the room rise, they wanted each other pretty bad, but didn't speak about it, they both knew it was going to happen. After dinner Shuichi was helping Kokichi whit the dishes when Kokichi accidentally got water on his shirt.

Kokichi: Shit! Well guess I'm going to take it off you don't mind...- he slowly took off his scarf and his shirt, the taller seeing this bite his bottom lip.

Shuichi: I can't take this anymore...- as he said that he completely lost control going for a deep french kiss.

Kokichi, that was also wanting this all night started to take off the taller's clothes, throwing them on the floor. While he took off the taller's shirt he pushed Kokichi onto the kitchen table, that was empty and took of the smaller's pants. After those were off Shuichi went to Kokichi's ear and whispered little nothing's before started to bite, kiss and leave hickeys on the smaller's neck and shoulders. At this point they were both very hard and it showed thru their underwear, Shuichi took out his and his lover last pieces of clothing and made smaller's lay down on the table. As he didn't want to wait more and look for the lube he just thrusted in deep, as a response they both moaned. The taller  continued to thrust, the kitchen was filled with moans, it felt wrong doing it in there but the smaller loved it, the feeling of danger of getting cought was very rousing to him.He chanted his boyfriend's name loudly that made the other one enjoy it much more.

Kokichi: S-SHUICHI, UNH, T-THERE!!~- that was the warning that the taller had hit Kokichi's sweet spot, for that reason he changed positions so he was constantly hitting it while he stroke his member, making him moan much louder.

Shuichi was giving it all because he was getting closer to the climax, Kokichi was as well. It was now a race to see which one was going to cum first.

Shuichi: K-kokichi, ngh, I-I'm c-cumming!!

Kokichi: D-do it!!- as he said that Shuichi cummed and immediately after Kokichi cummed as well. They were breathing heavily as they came down from their high.

Shuichi: Well that was unexpected...

Kokichi: I'm not to blame that you're horny.

Shuichi: Whit that body I can't resist you...- he kissed the smaller- Round two?

Kokichi: If you want to do it again please go get the lube, at least that.

Shuichi: Let's go to your bedroom then...

They went to Kokichi's bedroom, not really caring for the mess they made in the kitchen. Needless to say the night was spent in blank. The next day  Shuichi woke up still cuddling Kokichi that was wake and on his phone.

Shuichi: Morning...

Kokichi: You're finally awake.

Shuichi: Yeah, can you go get my clothes?

Kokichi: Ok, but you're gonna help me clean the mess!

Shuichi: Of course.- Kokichi gave him his clothes and afterwards they cleaned the kitchen-Yesterday we really did it in here...- he said kinda embarrassed.

Kokichi: Says the one who started to fuck me there!!- he laughed.

Shuichi: I just couldn't take it anymore...- Kokichi got closer to his face.

Kokichi: Does that turn you on?

Shuichi: W-what?

Kokichi: Doing it in places we shouldn't?

Shuichi: I've done it in more wierd places, I dated this girl who only would do it in public places. I don't mind but it really isn't my kink. Why do you ask?

Kokichi: I think I found my kink.

Shuichi: Why do you think so?

Kokichi: It just felt so wrong, but in a good way.- Shuichi laughed.

Shuichi: Oh I know that feels!

Kokichi: Wait, what do you mean by that?

Shuichi: I don't know, what I think I meant?


Shuichi: You'll figure it out.

Kokichi: Hey I'm not a detective!!

Shuichi: Too bad then!

Yeah this was a Valentine's day special but it's still cannon!!
Also I was supposed to call this chapter:
"Food, candles and sex" but I didn't want to be that on your face.
Much love.


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