Chapter 14 Movie night

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The alarm on the taller's phone went off at 6 am, like any other day we got up of bed and got dressed.

Kokichi: Shuichi do you really have to go train?

Shuichi: I promised them I was going.

Kokichi: You really prefer going work out then cuddle with me?

Shuichi: You have to get out of there to, people will start coming out of their rooms, how would I explain?

Kokichi: You're no fun!

Shuichi: I didn't hear you say that last night.- the smaller blushed and the taller went away.

Once more, after the work out they were talking like always.

Maki: Guess I owe Kaito 20 bucks.

Shuichi: What do you mean?

Kaito: Well she didn't expect you to come after last night.

Shuichi: W-what do you mean?

Maki: Who's gonna break it to him ?

Kaito: Let's just say yesterday you were kinda being to loud so I went to Maki's room. Then we made a bet and I got the 20 bucks. - the detective was very embarrassed.

Shuichi: I'm sorry for that.

Kaito: No problem.

The day went normal, as the last 2 days he spent on the school. And he was back in home. He appreciated the few minutes of piece before his uncle started lecturing him.

Uncle: So guess who's back?

Shuichi:I didn't do anything yet.

Uncle: Are you sure?

Shuichi: What do you mean?

Uncle: C'mon you fag, you know what I'm saying.- the taller panicked.

Shuichi: I don't know what you are talking about.

Uncle: If you say so.

That was wierd...

But he didn't question it to much and went back to his normal routine. The things just started to go south after he took a shower. Richard broke into the room when Shuichi was still wearing just a towel.

Uncle: So what are you doing, fag!

Shuichi: S-stop using that word!

Uncle: Why? Because you're going to cry?

Shuichi: Why are you even call me that?!

Uncle: You have a boyfriend, Kokichi that was his name?- Shuichi switch from the bluff from genuinely worried- It would be a shame if anything to him...

Shuichi: Oh, fuck no!! If you even touch him I will kill you!- Richard grabbed the boy the arm, while he tried to keep on the towel.

Uncle: His he?!

Shuichi: Yes. I'm not ashamed, Kokichi gave me confidence to stand up to you, he is helping me with my depression and gave me what you - unfortunately he was slapped, so he couldn't finish talking.

Uncle: Oh so I couldn't give you that? Why ? Because I didn't fuck you?!

Shuichi: W-what?...- Shuichi started analysis what's going on, even whit the screaming.

This was not the normal argument, normally he would had scream and probably hit him on the spot, but he didn't. Instead be let him go and waited.... Waited until...

He waited until I got out of the shower. And he always has in mind the worst way to traumatize me.... Oh no, no no no  no no no no no no no.

Has he finally got what was going on, he tried to run away, unfortunately he couldn't.

Uncle: So the ultimate detective finally found out? It's to late....
Today was the day of the big date! Kokichi was very excited, but although the day he barely talked whit the taller but there was no problem whit that. The taller was in school since 30 past 6 am for his training, but he was quiet. He didn't spoke to almost nobody and the ones he did it wasn't for long. He was still in shock and discusted from what happened last night. He didn't sleep for that reason and had a relapse. More like mutiple, even in school.
They went to their date and Kokichi picked up a certain sadness, but diceded to not talk about it, at least for now. It was now the end of the date...

Kokichi: So my let's go to my place? My "brother" isn't home...- he got closer to the taller that had a worried look.

Shuichi: Uhm I prefer not...- Kokichi looked at him confused.

Kokichi: Is everything fine?

Shuichi: Y-yeah I wouldn't it be?

Kokichi: Because you're the horniest person I know and you passing off on the opportunity to do anything to me.

Shuichi: You got me... But can we discuss this in somewhere private?

Kokichi: Ok let's go to my house then.

When they got to Kokichi's home they sat down in the couch and he grabbed some drinks.

Kokichi: What happened?- the taller took a big breath.

Shuichi: I.....I- he holded his tears- it's hard to say it...

Kokichi: Take your time.- the anxiety field the dectives body, who said it was going to be easy? He knew I wasn't going to be, the tears now were washing is face, the wound was still fresh and he didn't want to leave Kokichi in blank.

Shuichi: Well let's start with the beginning...

Kokichi: Ok.

Shuichi: He found out that I was gay and that we are dating.... And the logic thing he did was..... He ... It... Was rape.- the smaller hugged him.

Kokichi:Oh no, he didn't...

Shuichi: He raped me.

Kokichi: We are going to present charges this is the final drop, you CAN'T stay there anymore.

Shuichi: I don't want to talk about it..... If Kyoko knew I don't know what I would do.

Kokichi: If you don't tell anybody I will. I can't see you like this.

Shuichi: Can we just see a movie? I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Kokichi: Ok...

They saw some movies and ended up falling asleep on the couch. Only waking up to 2 boys talking.

Nagito: C'mon Kokichi wake up you're gonna be late.

Kokichi: Did we really fell asleep ?

Shuichi: It looks like that.

Kokichi: Oh I should probably intreduce you guys. This is Nagito my "brother" and that's Hajime his boyfriend, Nagito, Hajime this is my boyfriend Shuichi.- they shook hands.

Shuichi: Nice to meet you.

They went to school, before class Kokichi talked to Kyoko not knowing that she would be that way.

I hope you enjoyed the normal things. Much love.


The detective and the liar- an Oumasai love storyWhere stories live. Discover now