Chapter 25 Jade, the carrier of the past

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Kokichi: M-mom?

Shuichi: Wait what?- the woman hugged the liar.

Woman: I thought I had lost you that day, I worried so many nights, so many times I cried myself to sleep. But you're here, and your fine.- she grabbed his face with a smile on hers, her tears were absolutely of joy while Kokichi's weren't.

Kokichi: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I left you there alone whit that bastard! I thought you were dead and it was MY fault.- she wiped his tears.

Woman: Don't be sorry, you did what you had to do, it was a wake up call for me, I didn't want your sister to do that for the same reason.- he looked surprised.

Kokichi: So she's alive?

Woman: Yeah she is, you can meet her in other day, just know nobody blames you for running away.- they hugged each other still crying.

Miu: Well I guess the rat as feelings after all.- she whispered and Kirumi gently slapped her face.

Kirumi: There's a time and place.- she whispered as well. They stopped hugging and cleaned their tears.

Shuichi: Can I ask what just happened?

Woman: I'm Jade, Kokichi's mother, we didn't see each other for some years.

Shuichi: My name is Shuichi and I'm Kokichi's bets friend.

Jade: Let me guess, Ultimate detective?

Shuichi: Yes, exactly.

Jade: Kokichi, what's your ultimate?- he smiled.

Kokichi: I'm the ultimate supreme leader of evil!- she laughs.

Jade: You're better than your father, he could never enter such a good school imagine all by himself!

Kokichi: Is he still in...?

Jade: You know him always going in and braking out, then he is around for a while and back in. But that's the life that he chose. I'm going, I can't leave your sister alone for long.


They went to eat and she went away, it was silence everybody was shocked. After dinner Shuichi went to Kokichi's room, to talk mainly.

Kokichi: Thanks for not telling my mom about us.

Shuichi: I didn't want to out you.

Kokichi: I can't believe this... I have a sister and my mom doesn't blame me.

Shuichi: You don't wanna blow it right?

Kokichi: Yeah, if my mom is homophobic? I can't loose her again.

Shuichi: She's your mom she should accept you as you are, you can't keep lying.

Kokichi: The hole reason I lie is because of her! I'm protecting her from the truth of her terrible son! I'm a disappointment Shuichi, cowered,  stupid little fag!!- the taller grabbed his face.

Shuichi: No you're not! Did you see her? She's proud of you! You got into an elite school BY YOURSELF! So if you are gay! She's your mother she will understand, but if she doesn't I'm still here, I almost don't have family too.

Kokichi: Were in this together then. Tomorrow I'm going to her house, I'm going to tell her but only if you come whit me.

Shuichi: I will.- they share a kiss and went to sleep.

Shuichi woke up in the middle of the night, by something nocking on the door. He sat in bed still sleepy, while he rubbed his eyes something passes under the door, as he got up Kokichi woke up as well.

Kokichi: What are you doing?- he grabbed the note, similar to the other clues. Shuichi sat on the bed once more and Kokichi was now looking at the note as well.- Do you think this is a follow up to the threat?

Shuichi: Yeah...

Kokichi: Can you read it out loud please? I'm still very sleepy...

Shuichi: Ok... Did you like the surprise?! One of those D.I.C.E guys died! Are you feeling the despair already? Even if you aren't, you soon enough will feel it, since Kokichi's family is back together! But well another death, another clue it's how this little deal works! I can garante that my name doesn't have a R. -J.E.S.S

Kokichi: That little bitch!

Shuichi: At least we know it isn't Kirumi.

Kokichi: But at what cost? Eventually she will stop sending clues and what will we do?

Shuichi: There's only 3 people left we can stop this.

The night went by, in the morning they explained what happened to Kyoko and she took it to the lab. Classes went by normally afterwards they went to Jade's house. After some emotional moments and Kokichi meeting Violet, his sister, they were sitting on the couch, finally getting ready to tell her.

Kokichi: Mom, I got something to tell you.

Jade: Ok...

Kokichi: You won't get mad, will you?

Jade: Kokichi what did you do?

Kokichi: N-nothing!! I just wanted to tell you that- Shuichi holded the smaller's hand- I'm gay and Shuichi isn't just a friend.- she looks at him seriously before answering.

Jade: Oh I knew.- the taller started to laugh.

Kokichi: Wait what?!

Jade: I was sure you were gay when you were younger, plus you two really look like a couple.

Kokichi: So you aren't mad?

Jade: Kokichi you're son, why should I stop you from being yourself? If you wanna do boys do boys, if you wanna do girls do girls, if you want to both do both if you don't want to do anybody, don't do anyone! I just want you to be happy!- he hugged her.

Kokichi: Thanks mom.

Shuichi: And that's a supportive family!

Jade: So Shuichi do your parents know?

Shuichi: Oh they're dead I don't think they do.

Jade:Sorry for your lost.

Shuichi: No problem, there's worse things that are happening at school.

She looked at him confused so the afternoon was spent filling her up in the drama and everything that happened. In the end of the day Kokichi stayed at her house and Shuichi went to Kyoko's, or his new house to sleep there. The walls don't seam to let a lot of sound out so he made a mental note, they had to try it in this bed as well, needless to say that  Shuichi was very horny and almost didn't sleep thanks to it.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so vote and comment your thoughts.
Much love.


The detective and the liar- an Oumasai love storyWhere stories live. Discover now