Chapter 13 A night in blank

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"When life gives you lemons, write them down" - Me at 3 am
All this to say, it's a lemon chapter friends.
The day was like usual, well until Himiko's magic show. It was after dinner and very fun. She did the usual bunny out of the hat trick, but then she made Kibbo levitate! Well the last trick of the night she was going to transform someone into a frog, it ended up being Kokichi the chosen one.

Himiko: I'm not responsible for any complication whit the magic !- that warning of course scared the boy.

Kokichi: Excuse me, what the fuck?!

Himiko: And now I'm going to say the spell!

Tenko: OHH HIMIKO!!!- the mage starts to mumble some words to herself and when she stops, Kokichi transforms, tho it wasn't a frog.

Kokichi: I'M A FUCKING CAT NOW?!?- most laughed, but Shuichi hold his laugh.

Himiko: Well that wasn't supposed to happen!

Kokichi: BUT IT DID!!

Kaede: Let's calm down, I'm sure Himiko can undo the spell!

Himiko: About that...

Kokichi: You can undo it RIGHT?!!

Himiko: I think I can- she starts to mumble once more but nothing happened.


Tenko: Don't scream at her you degenerate male!!!

Kaede: Stop fighting guys.

Himiko: The spell will fade in 24 hours.

Kokichi: Tomorrow we have classes!!

Himiko: Ok, I have this potion that will take the physical, and only the physical, effect.- she hands him a potion.

Kokichi: Oh great I'm going to act like a cat.- he drinks the potion and goes back to normal.

Angie: Atua thinks you're being ungrateful!

Kokichi: Well that was just a lie!~- he went to his room.

Miu: How can you deal with that rat!!

Shuichi: If you knew him behind the lies.

Some hours after Shuichi went to his room, even though it was 1 am he sent a message to his boyfriend.


Shuichi:Hey, you're ok? Is just that you seam a little mad.

Shuichi was left on read, which he didn't think much of and was going to sleep but he heard someone nock on the door. Even if he was just on his underwear, he opened the door, he couldn't say he was surprised .

Shuichi: Hey, Kokichi... What are you doing here?- he entered the room whiteout permission and the taller closes the door.

Kokichi: It's colder here...- he whispered to himself.

Shuichi: What?

Kokichi: Well the potion that Himiko gave me just got me back my physical form which means that I'm acting like a cat.

Shuichi: Ok...

Kokichi: The thing is that it's heat season for the cat's.- Shuichi blushed.

Shuichi: So you're here because?...

Kokichi: I was checking if here was cooler and it is. Can I sleep here as well?

Shuichi: I don't see a problem with that.- the smaller takes off his t-shirt and lays on the bed. Shuichi lays down as well and spoon's the smaller- Is it to hot to cuddle?

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