Chapter 11 Preparations

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Two days have passed, Shuichi woke up at 6 am and went training. This last days he was kinda happy, it was fun hanging out with the his friends and the training was helping him. After the training they were talking, has usual.

Maki: So you're finally taking that cast off?

Shuichi: Yeah, it felt like forever.

Kaito: So tomorrow we can make a pool party?

Shuichi: That would be awesome!

Maki: I'm taking that as a yes.

Shuichi: Well I'm going, later.

Maki and Kaito: Later.

He went to his room took a shower and got to nurses office.

Mikan: H-hi Shuichi.

Shuichi: Hi.

Mikan: I would like to start with the wound so if you could take of the shirt?- the boy did as the older told him. She took out the bandage cleaned the wound and didn't put anything on top.- You can put your shirt on.- he once more did what she asked. After she took out the cast she have him a explanation when he use hand once more.- In a week or two it be functional once more just try to rest and do the exercises I talked about. See you on the end of the week if everything goes well.

Shuichi: Ok, just a question, can I go to the pool tomorrow?

Mikan: Yeah it wouldn't hurt.

Shuichi: Ok then, see you then.

He went to class afterwards, not being able to write already, so instead of writing notes to his boyfriend he was talking to Rantaro.

Rantaro: So everything cool?

Shuichi: Yeah, I need some help, you know the clue the mastermind gave us?

Rantaro: I can try.

Shuichi: Do you know anything about J.E.S.S.? Even the meaning would help.

Rantaro: Well I'm not certain but Junko Enoshima is J.E., maybe is something whit her?

Shuichi: That makes sense, thanks.

Rantaro: Anything to help you.

In lunch break, Shuichi was talking to his boyfriend.

Kokichi:  So tomorrow you're going to the pool party?

Shuichi: Yeah.

Kokichi: That's nice, you finally got some confidence!! But since not enough to invite me to a date, I'm going to plan it!

Shuichi: Who said I didn't have a date planned?

Kokichi:Oh so when it's going to be?

Shuichi: Friday night... What do you think?- the smaller got closer to his boyfriend.

Kokichi: So you couldn't wait any longer for a piece of me?- the taller blushed.

Shuichi: Not just that- the smaller interrupted him.

Kokichi: Oh that sucks, I sincerely was starting to wonder when you would take me out on a date. After the other night I haven't stopped thinking about it...

Shuichi: K-kokichi....

Kokichi: Oh God don't be such a bottom.

Shuichi: Kokichi we are in a school are in the middle of the day, anyone can see us.- the bell rang.

Kokichi:Well guess we talk later.

Shuichi: Sure.

The afternoon passed by and nothing special happened. They had dinner, everyone was excited about the party the next day, after the dinner Shuichi diceded to help Kirumi, like Kaede and Kaito, do the dishes. The boy rolled up his sleeves and started washing plates. Kaede was drying the dishes while Kaito was putting them in place.

The detective and the liar- an Oumasai love storyWhere stories live. Discover now