Chapter 15 On the edge

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They were seating down in class and Kyoko gets in.

Teacher: What are you doing here?- the girl showed her badge.

Kyoko: I'm here just to talk to one of the students it won't take long.- she went to the other ultimate detective's table- Shuichi, tell me what happened .

Shuichi: We are talking about what?

Kyoko: Kokichi just told me, but I need you to say it. What happened the night you went back to Richard's house?

Shuichi: Kyoko please I don't want to talk about.- his eyes start to tear up.

Kyoko: If you don't talk know you'll never do it!

Shuichi: Yes I will!

Kyoko: When?! When he leaves you to death? Or in your suicide note?- he stayed in silence- Say something!

Shuichi: I don't want to.

Kyoko: So you're protecting him? I know he his our uncle, but you can't be sane to protect someone like him!

Shuichi: I'm not protecting him!!

Kyoko: Then say it!


Kyoko: I know, this is the field I most of the investigate! Just please tell me before he does it again... Because that's the tendency.- something changed on his mind- What happened that night?

Shuichi: You wanna know?! Ok I'll tell you! I went home and he found out about Kokichi and wierdly he didn't almost kill me in the spot. So I went back to my routine, little did I know that was what he wanted! He waited for me to get out of the shower... Calculated this that's for sure...

Kyoko: What did he do to you?- she holded his face, tears gently ran down his face. Filled with anxiety and he finally said it.

Shuichi: He raped me if that's what you wanted to know.- she hugged him tightly and went away.

Kyoko: I'm going to torture the fuck out of him....- shortly after Makoto entered the room.

Makoto: You are dismissed from classes for today.

After he said that it was pure chaos, everyone went to talk with Shuichi. The boy just look at them and said.

Shuichi: Let me breath, please...- they let him go, trying not to traumatize him more, of course Kokichi went whit Shuichi.

Kokichi: I didn't expect that from her- he turned to the smaller.

Shuichi: I did. I knew she would be like that... Why did you told her?

Kokichi: So he could be arrested and you free.

Shuichi: Do you really think that's going to happen?! He always gets is ways for all I know you could just ruined my life!!

Kokichi: You don't know that!

Shuichi: Kokichi, let me be. I need some time, I really love you but I need to think.- he turned his back.

Kokichi: Is this a break up?

Shuichi: Think of it has you want...

He went to his room and just cried... He wanted to disappear... And in a struggle for silencing the voices he grabbed a bottle of Vodka that he stole from his uncle and drank some of it.
And for the next week all he did was sleep and drink, he didn't even eat, that worried the others.
While Shuichi was trying to deal with his feeling Kokichi went to D.I.C.E and passed the time investigating. But it was better for him, Richard was sending threats until Kyoko arrested him. Kokichi really loved Shuichi but the time they were apart was too much, they didn't speak or go to school so they were completely in the dark, well until Kaede called him.

Kokichi: What is it?

Kaede: Did you broke up with Shuichi?! Especially in this time?!

Kokichi: He told me he needed some time, I don't speak whit him in a week almost 2 at this point.

Kaede: Kokichi we need your help, Shuichi doesn't go out of his room.

Kokichi: He doesn't want to see me, why are you asking me of all people?

Kaede: This is serious, he doesn't even eat!!

Kokichi: Oh that's bad... Very bad, he doesn't eat sense when?

Kaede: It's been a couple of days I don't even know if he is alive!

Kokichi: Don't let him know I'm going.

He ended the call and went almost running to Hopes Peak, which was very far. When he got there it seamed has there was a little hope, it was probably the first time that Kaito was happy to see him. Not talking much he went to Shuichi's room and nock on the door.

Shuichi: Go away Kaede!!- the smaller entered the room in silence. The room was completely dark, there were around 3 bottles of vodka empty in the ground, but thing that worried him the most was the taller on a stool holding a note and wearing a noose around his neck.- Kokichi... Why are you here?

Kokichi: I'm here because I care... And I guess I got here in the right time.

Shuichi: You don't care, if you did you wouldn't took so long...

Kokichi: You told me you needed space and had to think, I gave you what you asked. Or did you think it was easy for me? I didn't heard anything about you this last week, I didn't know it was this bad.

Shuichi: But it is. I'm sorry for what I said, I was and still am scared... And who have thought that I would do the same as he did... Hurting people that are close to me, drinking my feelings I don't deserve to live like him...

Kokichi: You're not like him! Everyone here wants to help you... I want to help you, I know you are suffering and I don't want to see you hanging there one of this days.- the taller took the noose out of his neck,went down of the stool and hugged the taller.

Shuichi: I can't promise anything but whit you here in going to do my best.- they spent a few minutes like that. It was confurting until Kokichi spoke.

Kokichi:You don't shower for how long?

Shuichi: A while.Do I smell that bad?- they separate the hug.

Kokichi: Yeah go do it.- the detective went to the bathroom and the other followed, only then letting the taller close the door.

Shuichi: What you think you're doing?

Kokichi: You almost committed suicide, I'm not taking any chances.

Shuichi: So you're going to be here the whole time?

Kokichi: Yeah, are you getting shy now? C'mon there's nothing I haven't seen.

Shuichi: Just don't try anything...- he got undressed  and took a shower. Afterwards they go outside, it's been awhile for Shuichi, but he really needs to eat...

To be continued...

Much love.


The detective and the liar- an Oumasai love storyWhere stories live. Discover now