Chapter 4 Grape Panta king

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Shuichi ended up getting out of his room at 3 am to get something to eat. For his surprise he wasn't the only one running around.

Maki: What are you doing awake at this time of the night?

Shuichi: I was about to do the same question.

Maki: I was going to do some training

Shuichi: I couldn't sleep.

Maki: You know that you don't have to be the ultimate detective to know that you are depressed right?

Shuichi: Am I that obvious?

Maki: Not to everyone, Kaito doesn't suspect anything but you're not fouling anyone for long.

Shuichi: I know, but I can't do much about.

After Shuichi walked around he went back to his room this time he falls asleep only waking up at 3 pm. He takes a shower and goes out of his room, just to find a the ultimate inventor whit a machine. He goes next to Kaito, Kaede and Maki.

Shuichi: Hey what's going on?

Kaede: Miu as done a new invention.

Miu: This machine is my Valentine's day project.- normally Kokichi had said something, like it's not Valentine's day yet but he was no here to be seen - It's supposed to make everyone get along and be in love and I would like to test it now so let's do it!!- the clicked some buttons and the machine started working but something was wrong instead of making what was supposed to do, just made everyone in the room horny.

Himiko: Dam it Miu not even my magic would help.

Kibbo: What's happenin, is this suppose to work like this?

Miu: I- I'm sorry, it wasn't supposed to do this! Let me try to fix this!!- as the room got akward Shuichi goes into his room.
When Kokichi saw Shuichi leaving his room the smaller entered it not sure what he was trying to find. In fact Kokichi just really wanted to snoop around. He wasn't finding anything he liked or took an interest in so he started to look in the bathroom when he heard the door open, Kokichi closed himself in the bathroom and quietly listen to the other side of the door. Only to hear Shuichi masturbate.

Kokichi: Well this is akward- he murmured.

The smaller stayed in the bathroom until the taller finished, Kokichi ended up coming out of his hiding spot and confronting Shuichi.
Shuichi was now in his phone just chilling until he saw Kokichi walk out of the bathroom and panicked, how long was the boy there.

Shuichi: How much did you see?!

Kokichi: I couldn't see anything but I heard every thing. - the taller blushed.

Shuichi: Can we please ack like none of this happened?

Kokichi: Sure. - the smaller walked out of the room.

Did that just happen? What was Kokichi doing in my room? It doesn't matter, if I had any chance with him before now there aren't any! Wait where did that come from? Kokichi is just a friend...

The rest of the day was spend ignoring his feelings for the boy and sleeping.
The next day he prepared himself for disaster. He told all of his classmates that he started to feel sick and his uncle came to get him. Of course Kokichi didn't buy it. He also told Kaede to not come to get him home, his uncle looked very mad so he was prepared for the next week miss school.

When he finally came back to school, things were different. The moment he walked in everyone was terrified, the boy looked like he almost didn't sleep for days, he was leaping, had bruises and cuts thru his body, looked he just ate to keep himself alive and he left arm looked broken.

Teacher: What happened?!

Shuichi: I just got sick nothing special.

Kokichi: Oh that's the biggest lie I've heard!!

Teacher: Go into the nurses office now.

Shuichi: T-that's n-not nee-

His words started to get sloppy and he ended up passing out.

Teacher:Kaede and Kibbo, you're in charge. Gonta come here and take Shuichi whit me.

The boy wakes up in the nurses office confused and panicking. He barely could remember where he was and why he was there, well until he saw his cousin.

Shuichi: What happened?

Kyoko: Shouldn't be me asking that question?

The boy looked around and connected the pieces.

Shuichi: I guess you're right.

Kyoko: Please Shuichi tell me, it was uncle Richard, wasn't it?

Shuichi: I-I fell down the stairs.- the older grabbed the youngest hand.

Kyoko: Tell me the truth, I can make a complain if you would like to, he doesn't need to know and he won't get you, just please tell me the truth.- as the silence filed the room Mikan walked in.

Mikan: Shuichi you're awake! A-as you can see you have a cast in your arm, also you have to eat more... You're very thin and it's unhealthy.

After Mikan explain to him everything he walked to class but before he could enter class he noticed that he was wearing a t-shirt, which meant that the scars on in right arm where exposed. So he took inspiration from Kaito and put a jacket on, this way he could hide his scars . Of course Shuichi just put one arm in.

The bell had ring when he finally got to his classroom, but inside where still his classmates that where waiting for next period. When the door opened Kokichi ran to the taller.

Kokichi: Glad you're fine!!

Finally everyone noticed who Kokichi was talking about and started to make question.

Ryoma: How did you do this ?

Himiko: I knew that you were going to ask that because I'm a mage!!

Shuichi: I fell down the stairs.- Maki gave him the side eye.

Tenko: That's what you get to be a degenerate male!!

Tsumugi: That's kinda harsh don't you think?

Kirumi: That doesn't matter now, what matters is that is fine don't you agree?

Kaito:Yeah the important thing is that my sidekick is fine. Also I'm keeping a eye on you or you'll end up stealing my style!!- he laughed and gently punched Shuichi in the arm.

Kaede: Can we sign your cast?- she grabbed a bunch of colored pens.

Shuichi: Sure.

Everyone sign, even Korekyo's sister and at last was Shuichi latest crush, that he still denies to himself, Kokichi.
He wrote a simple and cute message in purple pen, he also put it in a discreet place so Shuichi's uncle wouldn't see it. It said:

Get well soon so we can partner up again! ~
If you need anything here's my phone number 666 69 69 69, jk here's the real one: (random combination)

From yours truly:
-Grape Panta king ♥

Even if it wasn't much it made is day.

I hope you're enjoying the book so far, if you liked the chapter please vote and comment your thoughts.
Much love


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