Chapter 27 Caught in the act

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It was night already and Kyoko wasn't home yet. Shuichi's intentions were perverted and Kokichi knew about it since the taller told him.

Shuichi: You know I love a lot, don't you?- he kissed his boyfriend.

Kokichi: I know, you also know I love you even more...- he got closer to the taller.

Shuichi: So you gonna play that game?- he said as the tension raised in the room.

Kokichi: Hey you're the one who's clearly horny!~ - Kokichi place a finger on the taller's lips.

Shuichi: I guess you know me too well...- he said as he unbutton his own shirt slowly.

Kokichi: Your such a pervert!~ Saying you love me just because you're thirsty for me...~

Shuichi: Shut up and kiss me already!- he took out his shirt and Kokichi kissed him deeply.

The taller's hands explored the smaller body as they got undress. Now they were only in boxer's for that reason he started to play with smaller's member, as soon as he did the smaller broke the kiss and moaned softly.

Kokichi: Please don't tease me...~- Kokichi was breathing heavily, Shuichi took him to the bed and kissed his neck still stroking the others member- S-shuichi please~ if you don't stop teasing I'm going to-- he was interrupted.

Shuichi: If you're going to cum just do it already...

Kokichi: N-no!! I'm gonna tease you as well!- he got his face closer.

Shuichi: How are going to do that?

Kokichi: By moaning the loudest I can...- Kokichi smirked and let out a loud moan.

The taller continued to tease his boyfriend, who consequently  moaned louder and louder, which made him harder. He bit his lip and took out his last piece of clothing, they were both naked and Shuichi grabbed the lube bottle, of course Kokichi saw that and realized he wasn't being teased anymore.

Kokichi: So I won?- the taller kissed him once more before penetrating him, he let out a moan- I'm taking that as a yes~...- Shuichi continued to take moans from Kokichi, that was chanting his name at this point.

Not long after he started hitting the smaller's sweet spot that made him loose himself. Shuichi was enjoying it very much as well, but somebody had to keep their composer, he tried to and was managing to do it until Kokichi started to hickeys on him.


Shuichi: I-I know..~- has they got closer and closer, someone just opened the door and closed it. Shuichi of course turned into a tomato and not long after they came. As they came down from they're high, Shuichi was regretting all his choices did she really just walked in?! 

Kokichi: Who was it?- he said still panting.

Shuichi: Kyoko.

Kokichi: This is gonna be awkward....- they cleaned themselves and walked out of the room to see Kyoko setting in the couch.

Kyoko: Good afternoon.

Shuichi: Hi...

Kyoko: Don't you want to sit?- Shuichi sat down- Kokichi, that was for you has well.

Kokichi: No thank you I would prefer to stand.- he said sharing a look whit Shuichi, she of course catched that.

Kyoko: Do you know that doors lock?

Kokichi: Of course we do!

Kyoko: So why didn't you locked it?

Shuichi: I forgot.

Kyoko: Ok, try to remind it next time, just one thing, you used a condom, didn't you?- their eyes meet, Shuichi was really embarrassed, for that reason Kokichi spoke.

Kokichi: About that...

Kyoko: You didn't? You do know that you can get STDS?

Kokichi: We do!

Kyoko: Explain yourselves.

Shuichi: W-well, I've never done unprotected sex before we started to do it and Kokichi was a virgin.- he said awkwardly.

Kyoko: Still, you shouldn't. Kokichi are you staying ?

Kokichi: No, I'm going home see you tomorrow.

He goes away, needless to say it was very awkward. The next day he went early to school, when he got there he started to talk whit Kokichi, Kaede, Kirumi, Kaito, Maki and Rantaro were in the room as well.

Shuichi: I'm so sorry.

Kokichi: Don't be, it happened we can't do anything about it.

Kaede: What happened?

Rantaro: I was about to do the same question.

Kokichi: Do you wanna say it?

Shuichi: Yesterday Kyoko walked in on us doing it.

Kirumi: Oh, that must have been awkward.

Kokichi: It was.

They went to class and afterwards they went back to the major course area. When they got to they're room everyone had received a note that said the following.

As you all know I the mastermind like to do some tricks so let me introduce to you my threats. Some people already know them, but if you don't, welcome. So tonight, someone is gonna die, now hear me, absolutely NOBODY is going to sleep out of Hopes Peak, if you even try, you're dead, do NOT contact anyone of your family members and most importantly don't forget the sweet despair.
- J.E.S.S.

It was late, everyone had already ate and they were all scared but didn't say a word. Shuichi was in is room trying to sleep when someone nocks on the door, he grabbed his box cutter and went to the door and opened it slightly trying to see who it was, when did he opened the door and let him in the he locked the door once more, he put the box cutter back on his bedside table.

Shuichi: So you couldn't sleep as well?

Kokichi: Yeah, I can't stop worrying about you.- they sat on the bed.

Shuichi: I couldn't either.- they kissed and laid on the bed. The taller was cuddling him and they talked until they fell a sleep.-Hey, if this is our last night alive I just wanted to tell you I love you a lot.

Kokichi: We are going to survive ok?

Shuichi: I really want to believe you but I always expect the worse.

Kokichi: If we survive I'm going to take you in a big date and in the end you can do anything to me.

Shuichi: So you think you can convince me whit sex?

Kokichi: Yeah, it usually does.

Shuichi: I mean you're kinda ritgh.

I hoped you enjoyed it, vote if you did and comment your thoughts!!
Also I tried to hurry this chapter for a friend so if it seams off I'm sorry.
Much love


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