Chapter 17 Don't worry, sushi!

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They didn't find Kyoko before the first class, so they where passing notes back and forth. Anxiously waiting for the class to end...

Even if we tell Kyoko doesn't mean that she will not kill someone tonight... If something happens to Kokichi?! I wouldn't forgive myself!!

As the class ended once more they looked for Kyoko, but this time they found her.

Kyoko: What's going on?- they explain every detail and clue they got.

Shuichi: That's why we need your help.- she stops and thinks for a moment.

Kyoko: Listen up, you're not going to say anything to your classmates, it's our only way to catch her . And you spend the night together, we can't trust anybody or be alone she will strike.

Kokichi: Doesn't she just kill the family members?

Kyoko: We are not sure if she will keep the pattern and she doesn't, you two are the target.

Shuichi: It's better to be safe than sorry.

The rest of the day was spent in suspense. It was now 1 am and they were on Kokichi's bedroom trying to sleep.

Shuichi: Are you awake?

Kokichi: Yeah...

Shuichi: I can't sleep knowing something can happen to you.- Kokichi sat on the taller's lap.

Kokichi: So let's not sleep then... - he ran his fingers through the other's blue hairs.

Shuichi: Are you serious?

Kokichi: Yeah! Who would want to kill someone when they're having sex?- the dective laughed it off but Kokichi went closer to his face- What do you say?...

Shuichi didn't respond, instead he kissed him deeply, gently biting the smaller's lips. The room was very hot and the tension was rising has they wanted each other more and more. They separate to get some air, Kokichi kissed his neck then he left some hickeys. The dective went to kiss him again so he could be encharge once more, but little to he knew what game the ultimate leader was planning. He was plotting something for sure, what it was? Provoking the taller, he knew that Shuichi wouldn't do anything if he hasn't teased or provoked, after what happened who could blame him? It was still recent and it was the only way that he thought of getting what he wanted. For those reasons he filled up the taller's erection, little did he know what was going to be his reaction. He freaked out, remembering some of the memory's his mind blocked.

Shuichi: Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no, please Richard don't!!- Kokichi of course took his hand of it. The only thing he could think of doing was trying to calm him down, so he hold him close.

Kokichi: Everything his fine, he can't hurt you anymore. He is in jail remember?- still having a panic attack but knowing that he isn't being abused again, pulled away from the hug and looked the smaller whit his eyes full of tears.

Shuichi: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I just had to ruin everything didn't I?- Kokichi wiped Shuichi's tears whit a comprehensive look.

Kokichi: Don't be sorry, you didn't know and can't help it. We can work this out just please calm down.- he hugged him once more and they stayed like that. - Shuichi?...

He didn't respond, he had cried himself to sleep on the smaller's shoulder. He didn't move, just hugged him back ending up falling asleep as well. They woke up with the alarm, Shuichi turned it off after Kokichi got off him. He awkwardly look at him, he was embarrassed about what happened, after a few minutes of silence he broke it out.

Shuichi: About last night....

Kokichi: You had a PTSD episode for sure.- he looked in shock.

Shuichi: We can call it that... But you're not mad are you?

Kokichi: No, why would I be mad? You can't control being triggered, the best thing we can do is trying to get it better.- the taller hugged him has hard has he could.

Shuichi:  Thanks, thanks for everything, I don't know what I would do without you.

Kokichi: I just want you to fine. Speaking of fine, we're alive!

Shuichi: I really was worrying about that last night.

Kokichi: I was too. And just for you to know if anything triggers you, I'm going to help you.

Shuichi: Thanks...

They went outside and for they're surprise there were allot of people awake.

Kokichi: Geez who died?~

Kaede: My mom...- Shuichi hugged her.

Shuichi: Sorry for your lost.

Gonta: Gonta don't want to see Kaede cry, can Gonta do something to help?- she wiped her tears.

Kaede: There's no need Gonta, thanks anyways.- she said sadly smiling.

Gonta: Was Gonta gentleman?

Kaede: Yes very gentleman like!- Miu looked at Shuichi's hickeys.

Miu: Well our mister detective is sure to have a alibi, fucking the rat all night!!- she laughed while Shuichi blushed.

Kokichi: Oh the cum dumpster is just mad cuz ki boy doesn't have a dick yet!~

Kibbo: Can you keep us out of this?

Kokichi: She brought up my boyfriend I will bring you up.~

Miu: You don't have rights, BOTTOM!!

Kokichi: Oh the little HOE'S MAD?!~


Kokichi: HOES MAD!!!~

Korekyo: Calm down, you're both right.

Kokichi: But she started it!~

Shuichi: Just quit fooling around, we need to investigate.

Kokichi: Ok, but just because you asked me sushi!~

Shuichi: Sushi?...

Angie: Atua Says that's going to stick!

Shuichi:I'm done, if you need me I'm going to look for Kyoko.- he started to walk out.

Kokichi: WAIT FOR ME SUSHI!!- he ran and got to the taller.

Shuichi: I love sushi, but I don't want to be called a food.

Kokichi: Why? Sushi makes me remind me of you. It's delicious, you have a name almost is sushi and I really want to eat it right now.- the taller blushed.

Shuichi: Stop whit that, we need to look for Kyoko.

Kokichi: You airhead, Kyoko don't comes until 7.

Shuichi: Wait, what time is it?

Kokichi: 30 past 6, you can still go train with Maki and Kaito.

Shuichi: Well if you don't mind...

Kokichi: Just go.- he kissed the smaller and went away.

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Much love.


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