Chapter 19 Broken family

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They still were under the tree, it was around 3 am, they had been just seeing the stars for the last hours, Shuichi couldn't stop wondering what happened to Kokichi, why did he ran away? He didn't ask anything, Kokichi seems to be very sensitive about it.

Shuichi: Hey, are you still awake?- no response, he sat down only to see the smaller sleeping on is lap, he quietly laugh- at least this time it wasn't me.

He picked Kokichi up, bridal style and went to his room. While he did so he passed by Maki that was about starting her training.

Maki: What happened?

Shuichi: It's been a long night...

He finally got to his room and layed Kokichi down, closed the door and went to sleep as well. The thing he wasn't expecting was the smaller hugging him, but he didn't care, it was confurting.
When they woke up, Shuichi stopped the alarm, as usual, but he stayed in bed.

Kokichi: Aren't you going to train today?

Shuichi: Nah, it's better here...

Kokichi: Ok.... I'm going back to sleep .

Shuichi: Hey, Kokichi?

Kokichi: What?

Shuichi: I love you.

Kokichi: I love you, more- he smirked, the taller entered in the game.

Shuichi: That's impossible.

Kokichi: Why?

Shuichi: Because my love for you is more then infinity it self!- he laughs.

Kokichi: My love for you is infinity by the infinity!!

Shuichi: My love for you is infinity by the infinity +1.- they laughed.

Kokichi:Well I guess you win!!

Shuichi: What do I win?

Kokichi: A kiss! I would suggest other things but you probably won't do anything.- he kisses the taller.

Shuichi: This is all nice but I'm going out.

Kokichi: Why?

Shuichi: I want to eat.

Kokichi: Oh, ok... I'm staying.

Shuichi: Do what you want, just try not to make a mess of the files in my desk.

Kokichi: I will keep that in mind.

The taller went away and a soon he did Kokichi started to look around.

Kokichi: Where's the tissues?...- he muttered to himself.

Well if I can't do anything whit Shuichi , at least I'm going to it by myself in his room. Seams fair.
The taller went to eat, of course he passed by his friends.

Kaito: Are you ready for the training?- he said whit a big smile.

Shuichi: Nah, I'm to tiered, yesterday I barely slept.- Maki gave him a smile.

Kaito: Why are you tired?

Shuichi: I was checking some evidence whit Kokichi...- he got a message on his phone, looked at it and then said- And even if I wasn't I can't, I need to go to the police station. See you later guys!- he grabbed his food and went back to his room.

Kaito: See you later!

When he got to his room, only to find Kokichi isn't in bed anymore, but he knew that he was still in the room.

Shuichi: I just got message from Kyoko, I'm going to the police station.

Kokichi: You're already here! Nice..~

Shuichi: Take your time is still 7 am, I just need to be there in a hour.- then it was silence, well until the taller sneezed, of course he knew what the smaller was doing on the bathroom, so even if he didn't need a tissue he got took the chance- Hey Kokichi?

Kokichi: Y-yeah?

Shuichi: Where are the tissues?- the smaller panicked.

Kokichi: I-I don't know.

Shuichi: C'mon I know what you're doing in there.- he opened the bathroom door to see Kokichi playing with himself, of course he stopped and looked at the taller very embarrassed.

Kokichi: If you knew why did you walked in?- the taller closed the door and went closer to the smaller.

Shuichi: I thought you would like some help...- he said has he put his hand on the smaller's erection, then started to stroke it, Kokichi started to moan.

Kokichi: Shuichi, I-I'm close...

Shuichi: Already?

Kokichi: You came in when it was getting good.-the taller moved his hands faster and made the smaller cum. They clean the mess and then go back their normal life.

They went to the police station, Shuichi did what he had to do then got back to Kokichi, when they were going away they passed by 2 officer whit Richard.

Richard: Look at the little fag and his boyfriend!

Kokichi: You say allot, for someone who raped a man!!

Richard: C'mon, he deserved it!!

Kyoko: Oh so you admitted to raping a minor?!

Richard: You can't prove that!!

Kyoko: I'm always wearing a wire, so I can prove it. Thanks, guys ...

The boys went to Kokichi's home, it was the middle of the day so there wasn't anyone there.

Shuichi: Thanks for that... Just seeing his face makes me discusted.

Kokichi: It was nothing, some times your family sucks and there's nothing to do.

Shuichi: Speaking of family.... Why did you ran away?- the smaller sighed.

Kokichi: I guess it's only fair after last night... I ran away from home seven years ago, I was very young it's true... I grew up without a dad, at least one who stays. My real dad was a criminal and he was killed by one of his biggest friends, after that it was just me and mom, she tried to find someone who could take care of us. She had a new boyfriend every month, most of them hit her, but I hid pretty well. I knew that one day I would be found, so when I was out I started to form D.I.C.E. we were the outcasts... Bullied and hit at home. My mom got remarried, the guy was cool at first, but after she got pregnant he was violent towords us... The day he told me he was going to beat me to death, I ran, the second I got I ran away, left my mom behind, my brother or sister behind, I left her alone, just because I got scared!- he was full of tears- I had time to go back, but no I had to be selfish, and just think of myself!- Shuichi grabbed his face.

Shuichi: You were just a kid, I hope I had done something about Richard soner, but I didn't, Kokichi sometimes we don't think well after everything that happens I just... I'm happy that you're here.- he kissed him.

I hoped you enjoyed the chapter, if so be sure to vote and comment your thoughts!
Much love.


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