Chapter 7 Uncovering secrets

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After their talk, Kokichi went to his room and Shuichi fell asleep .
But the thing is, Kokichi wasn't the only one now that knew about the abuse. Everyone knew, because of the way Shuichi walked out and the constant notifications on his phone the others diceded to look at it. They just weren't prepared for what they encountered and promise to each other to act like they didn't know it, it was for the best of all.
The next day when Richard came to get Shuichi, the boy was in the living room with his lover.

Uncle: Are you ready to go home?

Shuichi:Y-yeah o-of course...- the taller's uncle finally notices the smaller.

Uncle: Are you Kokichi?- they both froze, perfectly knowing it would all went to shits.

Kokichi: Yes sir.

Uncle: It's good that Shuichi has friends but you shouldn't invent excuses for him... Also, did he say something about me?

Kokichi: Well nothing special, but he did say that you helped him in cases and that's about it.

Uncle: Oh is that so... Shuichi go say goodbye to your friends, you know what to say, I'll be waiting in the car.- Kirumi quietly looked behind the counter.

Shuichi: Well if anybody asks I was feeling sick.

Kokichi: The same excuse from last time? People will start to question it.

Shuichi: Don't you think I know that? Why do you think I don't to go to a therapist or anything? Why do you think I don't let them know of my depression? If they knew it wouldn't stop it or do anything to them but I might don't walk again, I already have a broken arm, let's be honest, it's better as it is.

Kokichi: I hate seeing you like this, you should tell Kyoko.

Shuichi: It was hard enough have to confront you about it, let's just pretend nothing happens.

Kokichi: When you're coming back?

Shuichi: Depending how much time it will take the next case.- Kokichi gently kissed the taller.

Kokichi: Don't do anything stupid ok?

Shuichi: I'll try. Goodbye Kokichi.

Kokichi: Bye...

After Shuichi comes out of the building, Kirumi goes to Kokichi.

Kirumi: What did I just witnessed?

Kokichi: I don't know, tell me mom.- the girl has got used to the boy calling her mom.

Kirumi: All of course, soo that was what happened last time?

Kokichi: I thought that you agreed to not talking anymore about it.

Kirumi: I was one of the first to know what he does to himself I think I got the right to say my thoughts to you.

Kokichi: I guess that's fair.

Kirumi: Does he know yet?

Kokichi: Knows what?

Kirumi: That you two are dating.

Kokichi: Not yet and it's for the best. His uncle seems to be very homophobic.

Kirumi: What you think it's going to happen when he finds out? You can't keep lying forever.

Kokichi: I sincerely don't know, I guess we should just hope for the best and let the least people know about us . That's why I'm asking you to keep this a secret.

Kirumi: Has you wish. I have a idea of what it might happen and don't like it a bit.

Another week passed by and no sine of Shuichi. I mean more like he didn't go to school, he kept texting his boyfriend, they even planned a kind of date, it was more going to Kokichi's house do a group work, but it was good enough, knowing that Richard agreed it was a big win. When he got to school it wasn't has bad as last time, but enough to make his classmates start to worry. After lunch break Shuichi and Kokichi were talking in private.

Kokichi: So what happened?

Shuichi: The usual.

Kokichi: Did you hurt yourself?- the taller look at the smaller in panic.

Shuichi: Ah.... I didn't want to do it originally but after 2 days you can't keep promise's...

Kokichi: Wait you didn't cut yourself for 2 whole day's?- the taller nodded and the smaller hugged him which surprised the other one- That's something isn't ? It's in baby steps but I'm proud of you.- the 2 share a kiss.

They were talking and enjoying each other's company until they got back to class. They once more were sending notes to each other, talking about what they would do after class. While they should just do their work Kokichi wanted to just hang out afterwards. They knew it wouldn't take that long to make the work, they actually finished it in 10 minutes, now they had some hours home alone to spend.

Shuichi: So do you live alone or?...

Kokichi: I live whit my "brother", he isn't actually my brother but it's like he was.

Shuichi: Does he mind that you're gay?

Kokichi: Oh not at all, he's gay himself.

Shuichi: So when am I meeting him?- the smaller looked in confusion.

Kokichi: What?

Shuichi: Don't you think it would be good for him to know who's the boy dating his brother?

Kokichi: Jeez why so formal ?

Shuichi: Says the one who wants to go out in a date.

Kokichi: Hey! I'm sorry if I'm not a hoe!!- the taller laughs.

Shuichi: I know you're not a hoe, but I really want to do you...- the smaller blushes.

Kokichi: Shuichi don't say that...

Shuichi: Why? Because you'll blush?- Kokichi gets closer to the taller.

Kokichi: Don't start what you can't finish- the taller blushes, he liked to joke around like he was the biggest top in the world, but in reality he was just a switch that gets flustered easily.

Shuichi: You never told me you would  flirt back.

Kokichi: Oh but I will so be prepared...- the smaller smirked.

Shuichi: God I love you so much...- the taller kisses him. It started whit a soft and gentle kiss, then became depper and sloppier, Kokichi ended up letting a soft moan, that turned on the taller  . 

They break the kiss to gasp out for air, as they do Shuichi takes out the smaller's scarf and begins to leave hickeys as well unbuttoning his shirt. While the smaller was enjoying it he was sure they weren't going all the way, not only because he didn't want to, but because they were about to run out of time. When the taller finally started to unbutton his shirt his cellphone rings. He rushes to answer it.

Uncle: I'm waiting for you outside.

Shuichi: Ok I'm going.- he hung's up and looks to his lover that was already puting his shirt on- Guess stays for another time.

Kokichi: I don't know, if you take me out on a real date I would let you go all the way, but until then maybe we just have this make out sessions.

They say their goodbyes and Shuichi goes home, completely starstruck about his boyfriend. Thinking about when he's going to take the smaller on a date, it's a pretty good offer and he wants him so bad. Not very sure if it was the boy that made him so horny or the fact he had a cast in his arm that were stopping him from masturbating. Of course it was a combination of the two.

Guess that's a good way to end it. Once more vote and make sure to comment your thoughts.
Much love.


The detective and the liar- an Oumasai love storyWhere stories live. Discover now