Chapter one

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A.N: This is a fem harry story.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO UNDERSTAND THE STORY: Set while she would be at the end of the fifth year. She would be more into her studies and would have trained hard for the Triwizard tournament so she was on the level of the others. She knew about the Horcruxes at the start of the fifth year as she figured it out over the summer when she was reading in the Black library. She and Dumbledore had been researching them and figured out what they most likely were and were trying to find them. She had mastered occlumency with Dumbledore in the summer. They went to Gringotts and got the one out of her. At Christmas Sirius told her he had to speak to her in the summer. When she ran through the ministry after Bellatrix to avenge Sirius. Bellatrix had sent a curse back and a time turner exploded and went over Charlotte AKA Harry. Here is what happens.

I felt like I did in the third year when me and Mione time-travelled but with a mix of when I apparated with Dumbledore at Easter when we went for the locket. Stupid brother why did RAB have to hide it. I was suddenly on the ground of Hogwarts. But I knew I couldn't apparate so something had gone wrong. Also, it looked a lot lighter than it should. I saw the time turner explode so figure I had gone back a few hours. Maybe I could stop us from all leaving and save Sirius. By the sky, it looked before lunch. I was in a lesson now. All I had to do was sneak past Filch and Umbridge and get to McGonagall or Flitwick. Should be an easy task, seen as I had the map. I quickly ran to the entrance hall before someone could see me. When I got there none of the educational degrees was on the wall. What is going on? I pulled out the map and searched for McGonagall. I saw her in her office with four people I didn't expect to see.

Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin and James Potter.

I checked the rest of the map and noticed I only recognised some of the teacher's names. I must have gone back in time. I saw Dumbledore was in his office and ran to it avoiding people on the way. When I got there I said the emergency password he gave me hoping it worked in this time. It did and when I went up the stairs he was standing at the door.

"Professor, I know you don't know me but I know you. I believed I have travelled back to the past. I know it is hard to believe but use Veritaserum if you want. Please, I need your help or for you to at least tell me the year," I said before he had moved. He looked at me for a moment before letting me in and closing the door. He put a spell around us so only we could hear us talk, not the portraits. He went and got the Veritaserum not that I blamed him.

"Obviously you must understand my hesitation," he said. I nodded and stuck out my tongue. He put five drops on my tongue and we sat at the two chairs in front of his desk.

"Well. I must start with your name unless you would like to tell me your story," he said.

So I told him my name and then I told him my story. My parents. Peter's betrail. Sirius in prison. My life before Hogwarts. My life in Hogwarts and this past year's events. I would clamp my hand over my mouth at certain points when it was definitely too much information and he would nod in understanding. Once I had controlled myself not to tell him something I would start up again.

He sat there processing it all.

"Well, my dear I am sorry for what my actions have put you through. It seems you have indeed travelled back to the past. The year 1975. Your parents and friends are at the end of their fifth year. Now it seems to me there is no way for you to go back to your original time. I am sorry," he spoke.

"Honestly. I am upset but I could help you bring him down now. We just need to find those artefacts and destroy them and then one good aimed shot would bring him down," I said.

"Here have the antidote," he said giving it to me. I took it. We talked about what to and decided I would have to be sorted and go to school. I had to take the OWLS again but I had gone back a few months so the fifth years hadn't taken their ones yet. We thought of a backstory and how to act and maybe see if we could change some peoples minds about how they view muggle-borns. 

Dumbledore decided to make a big thing about my appearance as a new student. When I asked why he said that the boy's pranks and my dad's exclamations of love to my mother were the only entertainment anyone had had in a while. He asked a house-elf to go put a notice on all the house notice boards and give them to the teachers. We went through our story once more. With that, we got the sorting hat and stool and went to the great hall for dinner. We went down a passage from the headmaster's office to the great hall. We had talked through lunch and it was nearly dinner. 

When we got there he sat me down next to him at the teacher's table with the hat and stool hidden under a notice me not spell. We started to talk about how school was going and that he would ask Hogwarts to add my bed into the dorm and house I was in once I was sorted. He waved his hand casually and the door opened. I saw the whole school waiting outside the doors. This was it I was about to see my parent's.

A.N: Hope you liked it. Next chapter soon. I know it was short but the next chapter will be longer. Should it only be in her POV or should I switch it up?

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