Chapter 38

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"MERRY CHRISTMAS CHARLOTTE!" The boys yelled jumping on my bed. By boys, I mean James, Siri, Remus, Peter, Frank, Fabe and Gid.

"Merry Christmas you twats. Now, why are you all on my bed?" I ask from my place under all of them raising my head slightly.

"Because, we never get to wake the girls up on Christmas, so now we are taking the chance," Frank replied grinning. I just rolled my eyes.

"If you get me up I will wake the other girls," I reply. They agree and let me up. I go up to the girl's dorm and wake them up. We all opened our presents downstairs.

I got books on healing - Lily, Mary

nail varnish in a variety of colours - Marlene, Alice

clothes, a few robes and a skirt - Bella and Cissy,

prank stuff and a hairpiece that was rose gold and in the design of leaves, - the boys (all of them)

a bracelet that was obviously silver with some emeralds - the other Slytherins that had help from Bella and Cissy.

I thanked them all and watched them open their presents. Breakfast had been sent up to the common room on a table for us all. It was nice and we got to know the younger years. We all sorted our presents. I read my books and talked with the boys about the prank things. At two o'clock we went down to the great hall and had Christmas dinner.


When we got down to the hall the tables were smaller as there were less of us. There was different meat on each table. It was fun as we could sit with people from other houses. The crackers were great I got a chessboard from the one I won against Gideon. 


After our food had settled down we decided to go out in the snow. We made an igloo that was big enough we could sit in, made snow angels and snowmen and some animals, which was only made possible due to magic. We then had a snowball fight. It lasted until we were all covered from head to toe in snow. Also, when I pushed loads of snow down Sirius' back and he fell over while jumping and fell sliding into the other boys. The girls and I then fell over from laughing. We all got back to the common room, stripped off our wet clothes and into some warm ones and gathered around the fire.

"This reminds me of when my sister and I would play in the snow and when we came in we would sit by our fire and have hot chocolate," Lily spoke up smiling.

"Well, why don't we go to the kitchens and get some," James said moving my legs from his lap to get up.

"Wait, I have a better idea," I said pushing him down with my feet. "Sugar," I called out. A moment later the house-elf appeared.

"Yes mistress Charlotte," Sugar replied smiling.

"Hello Sugar, I was wondering if you would be able to get us all hot chocolate and a few biscuits for the common room in general if you have enough time. In fact, could you possibly send some biscuits or sweets to all common rooms and make hot chocolate available to anyone who came in from the snow?" I ask.

"Of course mistress Charlotte. I will be back soon," Sugar replied.

"Thank you Sugar," I said smiling. The elf nodded before popping away.

"Well, that is certainly easier," Fabe grinned.

"You get to use one of the school house elves?" Marlene asked.

"Yeah, Dumbles gave me Sugar in general. I just use her less frequent. I give her a nice room and let her do whatever she wants while I don't need her," I shrug. Before anyone can say anything else Sugar pops in with a tray full of hot chocolate and two trays of biscuits.

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