Chapter 18

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We arrive at the entrance to the Ministry. Orion leads me to an elevator that I have never seen before. We get in and as soon as the door closed it goes down. There was no button so I assume it only takes you to the one place. I have never gone to the Wizengamot meeting before as I had not been of age but emancipation had fixed that and I held too many votes not to go now. The ride is quick and we are soon in a small entrance with a pair of double doors that were open and you could see the meeting place. We walk in and Orion led me to his chair. "This is where I am stationed you are two seats away from the chief warlock as you are from such an old house. We have twenty minutes until everyone starts to sit down," he explains to me and I can see some people watching us curiously. "I have spread your message to as many houses as possible. The light doesn't know of this but will by the end of this meeting. That man over there is Lord Potter. Yours and Sirius' friend James that's his dad. You should go introduce yourself to families from the light and dark. It will give you opportunities for more allies. Know you already have me as an ally," he informs me pointing out my grandfather unknowingly. I nod at him as I have to have up my mask now so my emotions aren't on display. I walk around the long way towards him. This made sure I had most of the rooms attention as no one knew where I belonged or where I was going to sit. Who I was going to talk to and who I was. By the time I get to my Grandfather, he was watching me.

"Lord Potter, I thought I should introduce myself as I am friends with your son. I don't know if he mentioned me to you yet. I am Lady Peverell. It's a pleasure to meet you," I introduce smiling and presenting my hand. He is shocked I can see it in his eyes but he cools his features quickly. If I hadn't been looking I wouldn't have noticed. He quickly takes my hand and kisses the back of it.

"The pleasure is mine. I am always happy to meet one of my Son's friends although I didn't think it would be here," he responds evenly not sure how to react.

"I don't think many people thought I would be here today. Perhaps we can talk after if you are able. It's just I have a few people to talk to before the meeting," I suggest smiling slightly.

"Of course, I will wait for you afterwards. Lady Peverell," he agrees and he kisses the back of my hand while I do a small curtsy to him. The deeper the curtsy the higher up that person was than you, the fact mine was not deep at all would have made them all curious. The more seats you had the higher up you were and it was a known fact that the Potter's had seven which was high at this point. Of course, my twelve meant I outranked him but he didn't know this yet. I walked away and to the other side of the room toward who was undoubtedly Lord Malfoy. He turned to look at me when I was a few feet away.

"Lord Malfoy, allow me to introduce Lady Peverell," Orion speaks from his place next to him, as they had been conversing. I see his eyes widen a fraction before a mask was put in place. Wow. All pureblood are definitely trained.

"Lord Malfoy, I am glad to finally meet you," I greet presenting my hand which he kisses. "Lucius your son has told me many things. I presume Lord Black has told you what I discussed with him at his house. I would love to hear your thoughts on it, perhaps we could talk in the break," I suggest.

"Lady Peverell, the pleasure is mine. I did not realise you knew my son. Lord Black has informed me, so I believe it is best we talk," he agrees pleasantly.

"Lovely well the meeting is starting so I must get to my seat. Lord Black, Lord Malfoy," I say bowing the same as I did to Lord Potter while they kissed my hand. I can tell Orion knew my game, as his eyes held mischief similar to Sirius and Bella when they found something amusing. I quickly make my way over to my chair. A few moments after I sit down Dumbledore comes in and takes his place as chief Warlock. Everyone goes to their chairs while Albus made his way to his. I am seated very close to him. There is one chair between us which is empty. He winks at me as he sits.

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