Chapter 7

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A.N: Chapter seven.

When we went upstairs to the dorm after dinner I went and got into some pyjamas. They were similar to yesterday just it wasn't a man's shirt but a pyjama top. I came down and sat in front of the fire with the boys.

"Alright I have done all the talking the last few days tell me about yourselves," I say.

"Can't sorry we have to study which you apparently don't do," James tells me smirking before getting up. I huffed as they all went to the table and leaned my head against the back of the couch when I felt a weight shift. I opened my eyes and saw a boy from the year above with ginger hair and tonnes of freckles.

"Hello," I say confused.

"Hi, I'm Fabian and this is my twin Gideon," one says gesturing to the boy on the armchair.

I sit up and smile at them, "Nice to meet you."

"Trust me the pleasure is ours. So how are you enjoying school so far?" Gideon asks.

"It's great. Lessons are boring as the OWLS are next week. Also, they have to study for everything so I am bored," I reply

"Well, we are sixth years so we can hang out," Fabian suggests.

"Okay, what do you recommend?"

"Well, not much but we could show you around," Gideon offers.

"Already be shown, how about we do something else."

"Okay, well why don't we just hang out. We can tell you about ourselves while you tell us about you," Fabian replied.

"Well, we have an older sister, Molly. She is married now to Authur Weasley and they have two boys. Bill and Charlie. Both ginger like us," Gideon starts.

"I am an only child, so no siblings for me. But I used to go to my friend's house and he had a lot of siblings and they made me feel like family," I reply.

"That's nice of them. As you know we are in sixth year and we live with our parent's it's great now Molly is gone we have more room," Fabian grins.

"But, I bet you miss her a lot." I smile. They then ask me about my family and I sigh, "I lived with my aunt and uncle for most of my life. My parents died when I was young and I went to live with them. My cousin was a dick we didn't get along very well."

"Wow, um I'm sorry," Gideon said awkwardly.

"Yeah," Fabian said scratching his neck.

"No, don't worry about it. You couldn't of known. Now let's move past this very awkward topic. Why don't you tell me about your nephews," I suggest. After that, they couldn't shut up about stories of what mischief their nephews get up to. I had never heard these stories before as I wasn't around Bill and Charlie much. I was laughing more than I had in over a year. I actually fell off the sofa at one point when they told me about Bill accidentally floating Charlie when they were younger. We had to remind ourselves to be quite a few times but we didn't really care. When the boys finished studying they came over.

"Hey, Char we're going up. You coming up?" Peter asks.

"Sure. Later Fabe, Gid," I say standing.

"You sleep in their room?" Gid comments confused.

"Yeah, Hogwarts added my bed in their room and won't add one to the girl's room," I said rolling my eyes.

"Well, maybe you can stay in our room sometime," Fabian suggests grinning widely.

"Maybe, you'll have to see," I respond laughing before following the boys up the stairs.

We came in and the boys got ready for bed while I got on my bed and had the curtains closed. I was putting my hair up when the curtains opened and Sirius bounced on the bed. I just raised an eyebrow at him.

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